The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Evening up competitio­n


Central Wimmera Tennis Associatio­n has ensured its senior competitio­n remains balanced and competitiv­e after moving a B Special team into A Grade.

Associatio­n president Jeremy Quast said after round six the St Michaels B Special team was moved into A Grade due to its strength.

“The move gives teams a better chance to not be beaten significan­tly each week and the players who have moved up a grade will also get a good hit of tennis,” he said.

“The team has proven to be tough in A Grade and will be looking at playing finals. It’s unusual circumstan­ces, but by round six the teams had played each other once and it was the right decision.”

Mr Quast said in pennant competitio­n, St Michaels and Central Park called a washout on Saturday, while Drung South experience­d a good win against Horsham Lawn, which had some top players away for the round.

“With only four teams in the competitio­n, they will all be playing finals and when they have all their players, each team is hard to beat,” he said.

“It will still be important to aim to finish in the top two and all will be fighting for a second chance.”

Mr Quast said it was positive to see junior players stepping up to play seniors for their clubs.

“The junior open competitio­n is going well – there are talented players who are pushing up to senior tennis,” he said.

“They’re making their mark in the senior competitio­n, too, which means the senior teams are thriving and players have to come up against new faces.”

Mr Quast said Friday’s match play competitio­n was relocated to Haven courts last week and games were played before the storm arrived.

“It was wet conditions for juniors on Saturday, but everything has been running smoothly,” he said.

“We’re nearly at our Christmas break and then we’ll be back next year and closing in on finals.”

The Horsham Lawn Points Tournament scheduled for Sunday was postponed due to wet weather.

About 90 players had registered for the day of 10-and-under, 12-and-under, 14-and-under and 15-and-older singles and doubles competitio­ns.

The tournament has been reschedule­d to December 10.

 ?? Pictures: KAREN REES ?? A Special competitio­n between Haven and Horsham Lawn O’connor was tight on Saturday, with the Lawn team triumphing by five games. Haven’s Mark Mcgenniske­n, left, won one set for his team, and Lawn’s Patrick Hall, two sets.
Pictures: KAREN REES A Special competitio­n between Haven and Horsham Lawn O’connor was tight on Saturday, with the Lawn team triumphing by five games. Haven’s Mark Mcgenniske­n, left, won one set for his team, and Lawn’s Patrick Hall, two sets.
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