The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Accolades for season’s best


Volleyball Horsham wrapped up another successful year with its winter season presentati­on night.

An appreciati­ve crowd acknowledg­ed competitio­n most valuable players, milestones, Phantoms representa­tives, academy athletes of the year and a year in review.

Award winners for each grade were: A Grade: Robinson Medal MVP – Tyler Puls, runner-up – Tyler Snowden; Abud Medal – Jack Hannan; Mcintyre Medal – Laelah Robertson. A Reserve: Alexander Medal – Chris Baker, runner-up – Noah Werry; Abud Medal – Adam Harrison; Mcintyre Medal – Tayla Eltze. B Grade: Radford Medal – Kai Dodson, runner-up – Luke Johns; Abud Medal – Joel Brilliant; Mcintyre Medal – Cher-leah Williams. C Grade: O’connor Medal – Isaac Mcpherson, runner-up – Jared Ferguson; Abud Medal – Luke Mccallum; Mcintyre Medal – Kylie Angue. Juniors: Ladlow Medal – Bonnie Grieger, runner-up – Noah Eilola; Abud Medal – Chase Kannar; Mcintyre Medal – Tiffany Petering. Womens: Most valuable player – Kymberly Murray, runner-up – Mercedes Arnott; Mcintyre

Medal – Emily Hannan. Nathan Berry took his games record tally to 554 as he was recognised for his loyalty during a 15plus year career, while Kara Johnson broke through the 450 game mark despite injury costing her the better part of the season.

Significan­tly, three long-serving members crashed through the 300 game barrier, with Waterhamme­rs pair Chris Baker and Andrew Wundke finishing the season on 335 and 311 games, respective­ly and Mark Radford took his games tally to 312.

Academy athletes of the year were Malachy O’brien, who progressed into A Grade this year and played some consistent volleyball, showing the attributes needed to play at the level, and Paige Hemley, who made the state team for a second year, along with her Phantoms debut and playing with the senior women’s team at the Bendigo tournament.

Throughout the year members had success at tournament­s in Ballarat, Bendigo junior and senior events, country and national club championsh­ips.

Membership pushed to the 275 mark underlying just how successful the year has been.

However, the year is not quite finished, with boys’ and girls’ year-12 teams participat­ing at the Volleyball Victoria Junior Open tournament at the State Volleyball Centre this week.

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