The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Club to celebrate milestone


AWimmera golfing hotspot, which has been a source of pride for club members and residents for more than a century, is marking an impressive milestone.

Stawell Golf Club will commemorat­e its 125th anniversar­y with a tournament, starting Friday and finishing on Sunday.

Saturday will feature the main celebratio­ns, with a day of golfing before entertainm­ent at the club from 7pm, including special guests Sam Newman, Sam Kekovich and Leon Wiegard.

Life member David Dunn, 92, said he first joined the club 60 years ago to ‘play a bit of sport’.

“There was no new clubhouse then, it was the old clubhouse,” he said.

“When I first went out there I met three of the golf club’s key people: Alf Paulette, Keith Mccracken and Ken Robson.

“I was a bricklayer and they asked me to go on the committee.”

Mr Dunn said he was president of the club in 1971 and ’72, and was awarded a life membership in 2001 for his contributi­on towards a new clubhouse.

The clubhouse, which was Stawell’s third, was officially opened in 1966 and is still in use today.

Mr Dunn said finances were always front of mind for committee members and those around the club. “We scratched around and establishe­d plans for the new clubhouse,” he said.

“In the ’60s, there was only sandscrape­s, and then we got the new greens. We also had a dam and water – it was a lot of work. “

Mr Dunn said the installati­on of a bowling green followed the course upgrade, bringing more members to the club.

“We had up to 300 members at one stage,” he said.

“We were getting more than 100 people playing every Saturday.”

Mr Dunn said the club had pulled above its weight from a golfing perspectiv­e.

“We’ve had some marvellous golfers here. We have one here now who plays off plus three,” he said.

“There are also lots of young golfers, too, which is pleasing.”

Mr Dunn said the introducti­on of carts, with motorised golf carts first approved at the club in 1991, was another change he had seen.

“We had to walk everywhere, now even the young blokes have carts,” he said.

Mr Dunn said the golf club was more than just a course.

“I was well into the social side of it, my wife and I. It was the only way the club could make any money,” he said.

“We’ve had some wonderful social evenings. We used to have a fancy dress.”

People wanting more informatio­n about the course and events can visit Stawell Golf Club’s public Facebook group.

Tickets for Saturday night’s event can be purchased via trybooking. COM/CLMLT

The Stawell celebratio­n comes a week after Horsham Golf Club also marked 125 years.

 ?? ?? LIFE MEMBERS: Stawell Golf Club life members from left, David Dunn, Graeme Trickey, Lyn Willcock, Kaye Skinner, Philip Willcock, Joan Macpherson, Des Pickford and Lyle Mcinerney. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
LIFE MEMBERS: Stawell Golf Club life members from left, David Dunn, Graeme Trickey, Lyn Willcock, Kaye Skinner, Philip Willcock, Joan Macpherson, Des Pickford and Lyle Mcinerney. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

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