The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Students’ initiative celebrated


Annual awards have honoured the initiative, community spirit and positive examples of three students in the west Wimmera.

West Wimmera Shire Council presented its annual student citizenshi­p awards to three students last month.

The awards recognised Susan Rowe of Goroke College, Bonnie Gordon of Kaniva College and Dashel Adams of Edenhope College for their willingnes­s to assist in tasks that benefitted the community, their involvemen­t in community activities, and setting positive examples regarding attitudes to study.

The award includes a framed certificat­e and $300 for future education expenses.

Mayor Tim Meyer said the annual awards were the council’s way of ‘saying well done’.

“Council believes it is important to acknowledg­e and encourage students who strive for excellence,” Cr Meyer said.

“It’s fantastic to see so many young people striving to make a difference in our communitie­s.”

Students undertakin­g a Victorian Certificat­e of Education, VCE, or Victorian Certificat­e of

Applied Learning, VCAL, in 2023 were eligible for the award.

Scholarshi­ps presented

Hindmarsh Shire Council has presented its annual Rae Keam scholarshi­p and award to students at the shire’s three secondary colleges.

The honour is named after Rae Keam, a Shire of Dimboola engineer from 1955 to 1979, who was born and raised locally and was well respected in his role with the council.

After his death, his wife would travel to each school presenting this award to students who demonstrat­ed academic merit together with well-rounded citizenshi­p qualities.

Mayor Brett Ireland said the criterion evolved over time as schools gained further sponsorshi­ps, scholarshi­ps and awards from other sources, but it was still held in ‘very high regard’ at each school.

Holly Doxey and Clarissa Bigham shared the honours at Rainbow P-12 College while Caleb Zanker was the Nhill College recipient and Meleah Ylstra the Dimboola Memorial Secondary College recipient.

 ?? ?? EFFORT: Edenhope College student Dashel Adams receives his student citizenshi­p award from West Wimmera Shire mayor Tim Meyer.
EFFORT: Edenhope College student Dashel Adams receives his student citizenshi­p award from West Wimmera Shire mayor Tim Meyer.

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