The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Equipment will save lives


Horsham patients with severe haemorrhag­ing will receive life-saving blood much quicker thanks to community generosity and the hard work of the Blue Ribbon Foundation Horsham branch.

A new rapid infuser has arrived at Grampians Health Horsham and the operating suite team has completed specialist training to ensure they are ready to use the device.

The Blue Ribbon Foundation Horsham branch has spent two years on various fundraisin­g projects to raise money for the device, worth $50,000.

This included its Commission­er’s gala in November, which raised more than $30,000 towards the fundraisin­g total.

Branch chairman throughout the fundraisin­g period, Dale Russell, said it was a bigger project than his committee would normally target.

“We generally aim a bit lower so we can complete a project within a year, but our committee understood the importance for the hospital to have its own rapid infuser,” Mr Russell said.

“It was a big effort, but we had great support from the Horsham community and from our big partners such as Woolworths and ACE Radio.”

Grampians Health Horsham operating suite nurse unit manager Jenny Thomson said the hospital had never owned a rapid infuser.

“This rapid infuser delivers lifesaving, warmed blood and fluid at the touch of a button,” Ms Thomson said.

“That’s going to make our job much easier in emergency situations when someone is haemorrhag­ing heavily.

“We are so grateful to the Blue Ribbon Foundation and to the Horsham community for supporting us and getting this device.

“It’s only a matter of time as to when it saves someone’s life.”

The device is a specialise­d type of pump that can quickly administer fluids such as blood, plasma or electrolyt­e solutions.

This fluid can be delivered at rates of up to 1000ml a minute.

Grampians Health site director at Horsham, Maree Markby, said the rapid infuser was extremely portable and was easily transporte­d throughout the hospital by one person.

“This equipment would be used in the Emergency Department, managing situations where there may have been massive blood loss such as trauma,” she said.

“It could also be used in obstetric environmen­ts such as labour wards or operating theatres, to manage massive blood loss for post-partum haemorrhag­e, emergency surgery for abdominal or vascular injury or other complicati­ons from different types of surgery.

“Prior to having the device, rapid fluid infusion occurred using manual methods such as inflatable pressure bags which are slower — a 250ml bag of blood over five minutes — and run the risk of disconnect­ion and hence loss of vital fluid spilling, or in dire situations, a nurse standing and squeezing the fluid bag by hand which is also slower and very labour intensive.

“This equipment also warms the fluids as they go into the vein which is very important as infusing cold fluids has significan­t effect on the body and oxygen transfer leading to hypothermi­a, which can further complicate a primary emergency situation.”

The branch’s next gala is scheduled for February 2025.

 ?? ?? VITAL: Grampians Health Horsham theatre nurse Georgia Barnett, left, shows the workings of the rapid infuser to Blue Ribbon Foundation Horsham branch secretary Kelly Schilling, vice-chair Dale Russell, fellow theatre nurse Maggie Clough and Emergency Department nurse unit manager Odette Richards.
VITAL: Grampians Health Horsham theatre nurse Georgia Barnett, left, shows the workings of the rapid infuser to Blue Ribbon Foundation Horsham branch secretary Kelly Schilling, vice-chair Dale Russell, fellow theatre nurse Maggie Clough and Emergency Department nurse unit manager Odette Richards.

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