The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Addressing health needs


I hope you have had a restful Christmas and a good break with your family and friends.

A new year is always exciting, with new opportunit­ies.

Across the past 12 months as Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health, I have been working hard on policy that will ensure people who live in regional Australia have better access to healthcare — just like our urban counterpar­ts.

My healthcare policies are being costed and I look forward to sharing them with you soon.

Rest assured, they will work to address the immediate and long-term need for more doctors, specialist­s, allied health and nurses in regional Australia.

Nine million people — nearly a third of Australia’s population — live in our regions and experience a greater burden of chronic health and premature death, in part due to inadequate health services.

This year as we head closer to the next federal election, it is a priority for me that the health needs of regional people are at the forefront.

We need policies to help regional Australian­s, not just those who wake up to a city skyline.

In addition to healthcare, I am continuing to fight for our farmers — including standing up to the reckless railroadin­g of transmissi­on lines through prime farming land, mineral sands projects forcing farmers away from their homes, or the Federal Government slapping a biosecurit­y levy on farmers for the risks imposed by their internatio­nal competitor­s.

Farming regions such as the Wimmera contribute so much to Australia, and your voices must be heard in Canberra.

It has been a pleasure to serve Mallee as your Federal Member since 2019, and I look forward to continuing to represent you.

As the Nationals settle on their policies to take to the next election I welcome you putting your ideas forward.

You can reach out to me on 5021 5987 or

I wish you a wonderful 2024. • Dr Anne Webster is Federal Member for Mallee.

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