The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

More growth for tourism


Tourism spending across the state has reached a new record high of almost $37 billion in the year ending September 2023, new data shows.

Tourism Research Australia, TRA, figures, released last month, showed continued strong demand in the domestic market, coupled with the recovery of internatio­nal travel.

This included a visitor expenditur­e increase of 59 percent in the Grampians region compared to the spend experience­d prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tourism, Sport and Major Events Minister Steve Dimopoulos celebrated the sector’s growth amid the thirdconse­cutive record result for the state.

He said the result followed previous records of $35 billion for the year ending March 2023, and $36.1 billion for the year ending June 2023.

The TRA figures showed Victoria had 22 percent of Australia’s market share for overall visitor spend in the year ending September 2023 and every tourism region across the state — including the Grampians — experience­d boosted domestic visitor expenditur­e compared to 2019.

Geelong and the Bellarine, 74 percent, and Phillip Island, 64 percent, also recorded increases.

“Victorian tourism continues to go from strength to strength and these latest record-breaking results reflect our incredible and diverse offering for domestic and internatio­nal visitors alike,” Mr Dimopoulos said.

“We have big plans to continue to increase visitation, support local jobs and grow the state’s economy.”

More than 3.7 million visitors stayed 15.2 million nights in Melbourne, which remained Australia’s top interstate overnight leisure destinatio­n.

Visitors spent $5.1 billion enjoying all that Melbourne has to offer – from hotels to hospitalit­y, marking a 43 percent increase to pre-2019 levels.

Victoria’s top two internatio­nal markets for expenditur­e were China, which surpassed $1 billion for the first time since 2019 and now sits at $1.6 billion, and India at $444 million.

The record tourism figures were supported by a blockbuste­r major and business events calendar and Visit Victoria’s campaigns ‘Stay close, go further’ and ‘Get Set – Melbourne’.

Combined, these campaigns reached almost 18 million people in the year ending September 2023.

Visit Victoria chief executive Brendan Mcclements said the campaigns would continue in 2024.

“It’s wonderful to be celebratin­g such strong results consistent­ly again with the incredible and resilient people that make up our state’s visitor economy,” he said. “In 2024, we’re focused on driving even more growth by delivering world-class major and business events, and ensuring Victoria’s unique culture is showcased on the local, national and global stage.”

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