The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Upgraded jumps area a drawcard


Riverside Recreation Reserve committee believes a newly-refurbishe­d jumping area will encourage younger riders and draw people from far and wide to use the facility.

The committee recently completed improvemen­ts to the jumping area, including a compacted gravel base with sand, as part of a community project.

Committee chair Sarah Magor said the reserve was a recipient of Millers Contractor­s ‘One Village Project’, which helped the refurbishm­ent remain affordable.

“The jumping area had never really been done properly, and with more and more young jumpers and riders coming through the venue, we needed to have a safe area for them to participat­e,” she said.

“Fortunatel­y, Millers accepted us for the ‘One Village Project’, which meant they contribute­d their equipment, machinery, expertise and time for free.”

Mrs Magor said the reserve’s committee paid for the materials needed for the new surface, at a cost of $40,000.

“This has always been known as the jumping area, but it’s never actually had a proper base and proper drainage,” she said.

“Now it has, even when there is rain, it’s fantastic on there – it’s not boggy or slippery.”

Mrs Magor said juniors would be the main beneficiar­ies of the refurbishe­d jumping area, but it would also benefit older users.

“Jumping and even little Cavaletti jumps or poles on the ground are really good training exercises for horses,” she said.

“For our adult riding club, we might do a sequence of pole exercises and small jumps.”

Asha Fiedler, 15, a pony club rider and volunteer, said the improved jumping area would be useful for the club’s activities, which included dressage, cross country and jumping.

“It is good quality for our riders who do higher level jumping, because you need a good surface,” she said.

Mrs Magor said the area would be used at upcoming competitio­ns and draw people to the reserve.

“Having a surface like this means that people will travel and come to these competitio­ns because they know there is a safe, proper surface for them to use,” she said.

“In April, the Horsham and District Equestrian Sports Club is hosting a two-day dressage competitio­n, and the area will be used for warming up before they go into the indoor arena.”

Mrs Magor said Horsham Pony Club would also use the refurbishe­d area during a two-day ‘super clinic’ in April, with a jumping instructor one of the features of the event.

 ?? Picture: SEAN O’CONNELL ?? NEW HIGHS: Horsham Pony Club rider and volunteer Asha Fiedler rode her horse over 90-centimetre jumps at Riverside Recreation Reserve’s refurbishe­d jumping area.
Picture: SEAN O’CONNELL NEW HIGHS: Horsham Pony Club rider and volunteer Asha Fiedler rode her horse over 90-centimetre jumps at Riverside Recreation Reserve’s refurbishe­d jumping area.

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