The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Expanding business network


The expansion of a businessow­ner led Wimmera organisati­on into Warracknab­eal and surrounds has highlighte­d the region’s commercial activity, ahead of a launch event.

West Vic Business ambassador Stacey Taig said the creation of an ‘official’ presence in Yarriambia­ck Shire followed a conscious effort from the organisati­on to represent diverse business communitie­s.

Ms Taig said West Vic Business had been working with Yarriambia­ck Shire Council and an advisory committee comprised of business owners in the area during the past 12 months, to develop a chamber of commerce for the shire.

She said West Vic Business Yarriambia­ck would debut at a Yarriambia­ck Business Expo on February 20 at Warracknab­eal Town Hall, between 9.30am and noon.

“It’s a chance for Yarriambia­ck businesses to come together and network,” she said.

“Our focus will be on building community and business strategic alliances.”

Ms Taig said the event included guests such as Victorian Small Business Commission­er Lynda Mcalarysmi­th, who would be keynote speaker.

Ms Taig said challenges for businesses in the region included geographic­al distance from larger population centres.

“Yarriambia­ck businesses face many of the same challenges,” she said.

“Getting employees has been an issue right across Australia. The cost of living has hit consumers really hard, affecting what services they utilise, but some sectors are in a good position moving forward, such as agricultur­e and health.

“Our focus moving forward is identifyin­g those businesses who could be linked and connecting them with like-minded businesses that can help them grow.”

Ms Taig said the Yarriambia­ck Shire, and the broader Wimmera-mallee region, had several advantages the organisati­on would seek to highlight.

“In our area, we take it for granted that we are surrounded by incredible natural wonders,” she said.

“Our core focus has been on placemakin­g processes and precinct developmen­t – to create foot traffic and greater revenue coming into those businesses.”

‘JMJ – EA for a Day’ owner Jacqui James said she had been operating as an online business manager since 2011.

Ms James said she offered a service to help with business administra­tion, and had been based in Hopetoun since 2015.

“When I moved here from Melbourne, this whole concept of what I did was very new,” she said.

“I used to describe it as the old secretary, only I don’t need to sit in your office to do it.”

Ms James said her business did not suffer as a result of relocating to Hopetoun, as she was able to work from a home office.

“In Melbourne, I had face-to-face clients and others all around the world. I just needed a really good internet connection,” she said.

“We had everything we needed here, and the business has gone from strength to strength.

“For me, personally, the biggest benefit is being able to share knowledge and informatio­n with people who would not be able to access it otherwise.”

Ms James said she was a member of the advisory group of Yarriambia­ck businesses, which led to the establishm­ent of West Vic Business Yarriambia­ck.

“We talked about the problems businesses face in the west, outside of the major capital cities,” she said.

“Such as how we can improve main streets and what we provide for people who visit our towns.” Ms James said she was recently appointed to West Vic Business’ executive committee, where she would represent the region on matters specific to them.

“I see my role as that of a caretaker,” she said.

“For example, we had a new coffee shop open in Lascelles, so my husband, Chris Shadbolt, and I drove out there to introduce ourselves, welcome them and ask them to reach out if they had any questions.

“I’m happy to impart some of my experience to business owners if it’s going to give them a leg over, so to speak.”

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? SHARING KNOWLEDGE: Hopetoun business owner Jacqui James is part of an advisory committee working with Yarriambia­ck Shire Council and West Vic Business to develop a chamber of commerce for the municipali­ty.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER SHARING KNOWLEDGE: Hopetoun business owner Jacqui James is part of an advisory committee working with Yarriambia­ck Shire Council and West Vic Business to develop a chamber of commerce for the municipali­ty.

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