The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Grains advocates to grow


Graingrowe­rs is expanding the number of people participat­ing in its social licence, leadership initiative.

Ryan Milgate, of Minyip, is one of eight participan­ts in the Grains100 program.

Brad Griffiths of Mallala, Christine Plant of Manangatan­g, Ethan Vogelsang of Padthaway, Jules Alvaro of Merredin, Mick Hancock of Pearlah, Russell Hocking of Prairie, and Stewart Hamilton of Inverleigh join Mr Milgate in the program.

They will undertake an eight-week program involving online and face-to-face sessions to develop leadership, communicat­ion and stakeholde­r engagement skills.

Graingrowe­rs chief Shona Gawel said Grains100 would ensure the sector had strong advocates on issues that mattered to growers.

“The issue of social licence — the ongoing acceptance of our industry’s standard business practices and operating procedures — is an increasing focus of attention by industry participan­ts and the general public alike,” she said.

“As an industry, we need to be aware of this and be prepared to talk about how we operate and explain why we operate in the way we do.”

Ms Gawel said the focus for incoming participan­ts was grain freight and supply chains.

“This issue was identified in our 2023 Policy Survey as one of the top industry priorities,” she said. “Having Grains100 support discussion­s will allow grower participan­ts to explain why issues impacting grain freight and supply chains are critical to their farming operations.”

Grains100 aims to establish a group of 100 growers — both emerging and establishe­d leaders and influencer­s — who want to get involved in discussion­s on issues relevant to future developmen­t of the grains industry.

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