The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Outstandin­g contributo­rs


Australia Day proceeding­s last week saw the region’s outstandin­g citizens, groups and events recognised for their contributi­ons to the community.

Ararat Rural City

Daniel Buckingham was recognised as citizen of the year, Audrey Reynolds young citizen of the year, July Aldous volunteer of the year and Ararat Learning Centre, Patricia Hinchey Centre and Gorrinn Village’s ‘Grandfrien­ds’ was community project of the year.

Mr Buckingham said his family had a long-standing connection to Warrak, a small town near Ararat, where he returned to live several years ago.

“It’s an amazing community. When people move there, they will say how welcome they feel. Some of the older generation­s, in particular, are incredible,” he said.

Mr Buckingham is involved with several groups in and around the town.

“I’ve been in the CFA between Ararat and Warrak for 33 years,” he said.

“That’s my biggest focus. In the past few years, I’ve also started a job with Forest Fire Management.”

Mr Buckingham said he and wife Sally had also taken an interest in environmen­tal matters and were both members of the Crowland-warrak Landcare group.

“The beauty of that group is everyone is so respectful of each other,” he said.

Mr Buckingham said the group had increased its membership and engaged local community members since beginning eight years ago, and was currently working on an initiative called Project Platypus.

He said he was also involved in the broader Warrak community.

“I’ll go around the town and help out wherever I can – it’s just things you do from day-to-day,” he said.

“One of my favourite things to do is help people.”

Northern Grampians

Rupert Bibby was named citizen of the year for the Central, Stawell and South West wards, Stawell Uniting Church Pop Up Shop was community group of the year, D’artagnan Walls young citizen of the year and Margaret Perry was recognised as a local hero.

Mayor Rob Haswell said the award recipients were all examples of active citizens, who ensured communitie­s throughout the shire continued to thrive.


Rhys Webb was awarded

citizen of the year, Chelsea Elliott young citizen of the year, community event of the year was Dimboola Wimmera Steampunk Festival and John Deckert was presented a lifetime achievemen­t award.

Mayor Brett Ireland congratula­ted each of the award recipients for their contributi­ons to the shire.

“Rhys has proven himself to be a great all-rounder for his community in not only his work life, but for various community groups he is involved with. His vibrancy when having a chat reflects on everything he does and puts his hand to,” he said.

“Chelsea has shown outstandin­g innovation and a caring attitude for someone so young. I will continue to watch Chelsea blossom in our shire and her parents can feel very proud of this outstandin­g achievemen­t.

“The Wimmera Steampunk Festival has been an amazing success, not only for Dimboola but for the whole shire. The organisers can be very proud of what they have created, and we look forward to its continuing evolution.

“John is the first recipient of our new category of lifetime achievemen­t within his community. He continues to serve his community and deserves the highest commendati­ons for his achievemen­ts.”

 ?? ?? PROUD: Northern Grampians Central, Stawell and South West wards citizen of the year Rupert Bibby with his wife Helen.
PROUD: Northern Grampians Central, Stawell and South West wards citizen of the year Rupert Bibby with his wife Helen.
 ?? ?? NEW AWARD: John Deckert with Hindmarsh lifetime achievemen­t award. his
NEW AWARD: John Deckert with Hindmarsh lifetime achievemen­t award. his

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