The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Opening doors to career change

- With Christine Brown Federation University Wimmera campus director

January is often a time of reflection as we celebrate the new year, and in this column, I wanted to reflect on some of the exciting opportunit­ies that lie ahead for Federation TAFE in 2024.

Our campus in Baillie Street, Horsham has been reconfigur­ed to accommodat­e a new engineerin­g workshop and ancillary facilities, with safety and sustainabi­lity at the forefront of the design.

This will help support the local engineerin­g industry and we’re looking forward to welcoming a new cohort of apprentice­s enrolled in the Certificat­e III in Engineerin­g – Fabricatio­n Trade.

We are also looking forward to starting our partnershi­p with Longeneron­g College to develop a revitalise­d curriculum for the Certificat­e II, III and IV in Agricultur­e courses thanks to the State Government’s Agricultur­e TAFE and Training Fund, ATTF.

This is another important project which will deliver skilled graduates to one of our region’s core industries.

January is also a period where people may be in the ‘new year, new career’ mindset.

The days of staying in one job for life are over and it’s becoming increasing­ly common for workers to change jobs multiple times on their developmen­t journey and as they seek new challenges, with some studies suggesting Gen Z can expect to have half a dozen career changes during their working life.

With 2024 now upon us, perhaps you have been considerin­g starting the new year afresh with either a change in job or by changing the industry you work in altogether.

Undertakin­g vocational education and training at Federation TAFE can help you to upskill to get the job you want, and taking advantage of a Fee-free TAFE course is a great way to change direction in your career and train to work in an in-demand sector.

Across Victoria, and the country, there are numerous occupation­s needing workers and facing skills shortages including constructi­on, health services, and early childhood education and care.

The free TAFE initiative supports training in these and other high-demand areas by removing financial barriers to study.

Some restrictio­ns on eligibilit­y criteria for Free TAFE have also been removed, meaning prospectiv­e students can enrol in a free TAFE course no matter what previous TAFE or university qualificat­ions they already hold.

Students are also able to undertake multiple free TAFE courses within the same career pathway – for example, in caring occupation­s, if you have completed a Certificat­e III in Individual Support you can enrol in the Certificat­e IV in Disability or the Diploma of Nursing.

Federation TAFE offers more than 25 free TAFE courses at Certificat­e and Diploma level as well as short courses.

With the recent announceme­nt of more than 60,000 additional free TAFE places being made available in Victoria, there’s never been a better time to consider upskilling or retraining for the job of your dreams.

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