The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Vineyards prepare for March harvest

- – Abby Walter

Vineyard owners are hoping for a ‘true summer’ February this season to finish off what has been a wet season for grapes.

Montara Wines general manager James Stapleton said he did not know, yet, how the season would turn out.

“It was meant to be a hot, dry year, an El Niño year, but so far it has almost been the opposite; the amount of rain we have had has caught us a little bit by surprise,” he said.

“Provided the heat and sun and warmth comes in February, we’re in a pretty good position to have a robust vintage.

“The vines are looking healthy. They have had plenty of water and there are plenty of fruit bunches. If we get heat, warmth and sunlight between now and harvest, I think it will turn out to be a high-yielding year.”

Mr Stapleton said too much rain and not enough sunlight could lead to disease.

“We are making sure we are staying on top of our spraying program,” he said.

“We’re also trying to stay on top of pruning, to bring the foliage under control. You don’t want too much of the nutrients going into the foliage at this time of year, it’s all about getting it concentrat­ed into the fruit bunches.”

Mr Stapleton said internatio­nal market changes had encouraged the business to diversify. “We’re pretty blessed with the view out here – it’s a bonus we make terrific wine,” he said.

“We’ve added some glamping and tiny homes to add another revenue stream.

“We’re also trying to get our backyard in order and doubling down on our relationsh­ips with traders within 100 kilometres of Ararat.

“They are all loyal customers who have supported us. They are the bread and butter of the business.”

Mr Stapleton said in a good year, Montara Wines would produce about 60,000 bottles of wine.

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? POTENTIAL: Montara Wines general manager James Stapleton is hoping warm February weather will ensure a good grape harvest this season.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER POTENTIAL: Montara Wines general manager James Stapleton is hoping warm February weather will ensure a good grape harvest this season.

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