The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Stories of resilience


Birchip Cropping Crop has launched the second generation of ‘Over the Fence’ — a book exploring drought resilience from farmers’ perspectiv­es.

Farmers participat­ed in a series of weekly interviews, which were compiled for the publicatio­n.

Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub north-west node leader Grace Hosking said the book was one of the cropping group’s initiative­s with the Victorian drought hub.

“BCG is proud to present the second generation of Over the Fence viewed through the lens of drought resilience,” she said.

“The series seeks to capture pearls of wisdom derived from lived experience­s, share informatio­n and inspire innovative approaches to proactive risk mitigation.

“Additional­ly, the series puts a spotlight on the diverse business profiles thriving in the region, showcasing the resilience and adaptabili­ty of our local communitie­s.

“BCG thanks all interviewe­es for their selfless participat­ion in Over the Fence and the photograph­ers who captured the magnificen­ce of the landscape and people of north-west Victoria.”

‘Over the Fence’ first occurred in 2005 and 2006 when BCG compiled a series of weekly interviews and engaged farmers and individual­s working within the industry, to facilitate discussion­s on various topics.

The series, initiated during drought, aimed to foster connection­s among people and share informatio­n.

In 2023, BCG supported farmers through the Federal Government Future Drought Fund initiative.

The fund provided a platform for localised consultati­on, planning and project trial opportunit­ies, forming crucial partnershi­ps with grower groups such as BCG to enhance drought resilience.

‘Over the Fence’ is free and people can access a copy by calling the BCG office on 5492 2787.

 ?? ?? RESILIENCE: Nikki and Adrian Coastworth, of Wycheproof, whose family was interviewe­d for both iterations of Birchip Cropping Group’s ‘Over the Fence’.
RESILIENCE: Nikki and Adrian Coastworth, of Wycheproof, whose family was interviewe­d for both iterations of Birchip Cropping Group’s ‘Over the Fence’.

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