The Weekly Advertiser Horsham



From The Weekly Advertiser More than 70 people from across the region gathered in Warracknab­eal to focus on issues facing the region’s youth. Jessica Healy, Victoria’s youngest candidate in last year’s State Election, headlined the regional youth forum. Melbourne-based Ms Healy, 18, inspired the crowd with her pathway to politics, which included losing a leg to cancer at nine years-old.

10 years ago: January 29, 2014

The structure of the new performing arts centre, part of the Horsham Town Hall and Regional Art Gallery redevelopm­ent, is scheduled for completion by November. A constructi­on timeline for the redevelopm­ent shows the internal fit-out will be finished by May 2015, with the entire project completed by June 2015.

Five years ago: January 30, 2019

Organisers of a commemorat­ion service marking 10 years since a Black Saturday bushfire ravaged Horsham’s Haven district will use the occasion to promote community solidarity. Haven Community Enterprise chairwoman Sue Exell said the event, which Victorian Governor Linda Dessau would attend, would acknowledg­e community resilience and recovery.

One year ago: February 1, 2023

Farmers across the region are increasing­ly considerin­g the potential accommodat­ion packages have to attract skilled workers to their businesses as regional housing shortages bite. Warracknab­eal’s Northwest Real Estate director John Hadley said January was often a busy period for businesses seeking to hire staff, and he had met with several farmers in recent weeks who were considerin­g purchasing and renting property to lure workers and their families to the region.

 ?? ?? archives: February 6, 2003 –
archives: February 6, 2003 –

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