Time Out (Melbourne)

Cameron Parish, The Everleigh

We predict big things for this relative newbie to the revamped, world-famous cocktail bar


THE EVERLEIGH CONQUERED the handcrafte­d, highbrow, olde-worlde cocktail experience in Melbourne. And then, six years in and with internatio­nal acclaim, they decided to renovate. The new iteration of the Everleigh feels more evolved, and interactio­n with the bar is more encouraged than in the former days of strict table service. Cameron Parish has seen the Everleigh old and new, having been part of the team for just over a year. He joined after relocating from Sydney, fresh-eyed and a little green, but proved himself with constant discipline. Working seamlessly within the team, he honed his social skills over the bar while remaining humble. After a stretch alongside the creative senior bar team, Parish is now rolling out some of the best drinks the Everleigh has seen to date. Being served by Cameron is a pleasure, as he has total control over the bar while maintainin­g his razor-sharp chat. We reckon he has what it takes to be one of the top dogs in the next generation off bartending. Lvl 1, 150-156Gert156 gertrude St, Fitzroy 3065. 03 9616 2229. www.theeverlei­gh.com.

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