Total Film

Take A Memo

Miss Moneypenny, Naomie Harris, talks returns and recognitio­n.


Is it nice returning to Bond after your debut in Skyfall?

Yeah, because the first time I just felt really nervous, to be honest. There was the huge responsibi­lity and expectatio­ns of taking on this iconic role. I remember thinking, “Of course, they’re going to get rid of me. They’re not going to like what I’ve done!” So to be asked back, it’s a really nice feeling.

And now you can admit you’re Moneypenny after fibbing before Skyfall...

That. Is. Huge. My mum always says, “You are the worst liar.” And I am. I’m someone who likes to let things out, so to have to keep that in when people are point blank saying, “Are you Moneypenny?” and I have to say, “No, er....” It just felt like it was awful. There are no secrets now.

When we talked on Skyfall you’d done a lot of training. What training have you had for Moneypenny’s new desk job?

Sam actually wanted to know if I wanted to go on a secretaria­l course, which I was like, “No, Sam. Thank you, I think I’ve got that.”

Do you get recognised as Moneypenny?

I don’t really get recognised. I’m able to go on the tube and the buses and just live my life. When this is over I’ll go back to my normal life and I’ll just be Naomie again. I’ve been doing this since I was nine years old, and I’ve never done anything else. This is all I’ve wanted to do, but I’ve always said I want to be a successful actress, but I don’t want to be famous. I never wanted to give up my private life, and I’m really proud and happy that I’ve never had to do that.

And will Moneypenny return after SPECTRE? Are you signed on for more?

I can’t say [ laughs]! JC

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