Total Film

‘I love when things go to the limits of your imaginatio­n’

Lauren Cohan talks creepy dolls, Bat-cameos and thinking outside this dimension...

- JF

What drew you to the The Boy?

There’s a couple of really big twists in the film that I didn’t see coming. It was pretty disturbing knowing I’d have to go into all those dark headspaces as Greta, but that’s also what spoke to me. I do have a predilecti­on for this masochisti­c genre!

How does the horror of The Boy compare to The Walking Dead?

Doing our show, obviously it’s similar, but I don’t think there’s anything that compares to doing a horror movie. You get to push the limit in the story if you know where you start and where you end.

What was Brahms, the doll, like as a co-star?

I’m very creeped out by dolls, but it’s strange to me how Brahms took on a life of his own – people loved him. All of acting is just belief to the point where you’re holding onto real feelings and real emotions. It’s obviously a bit easier with humans, I will say that.

Brahms visited your own home for a day. Did you experience any strange happenings?

I think I needed a bit of an antidote to all the creepiness! I posted a bunch of pictures of him making smoothies and drinking coffee, I went a little bit crazy with it. You should have seen the looks I was getting in the gym.

You also have a role in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice.

How did that come about? Zack Snyder asked me to be involved with it. I can’t really say who I am in the film right now because it’s supposed to be a big reveal! I was flying on the red-eye to Chicago overnight in the snow, and then flying back to Atlanta, so I had four days where I didn’t sleep at all. Totally worth it by the way, it’s going to be crazy cool.

Are you a superhero fan?

Yes. I’m actually not a big comic book reader, but I love comicbook movies. I love when things go to the absolute limits of your imaginatio­n. I think that’s why I’ve ended up doing so much supernatur­al fare, I like thinking outside this dimension.

ETA 18 March The Boy opens

this month.

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