Total Film

career injection

The leaps and Bounds the Wachowskis need to avoid another Jupiter- sized flop.


When Jupiter Ascending was in prep, Lana and Andy Wachowski played the tease with planned set-pieces. Phrases like “the new bullet-time” circulated as a chopper-hanging rig was devised for an anti-gravity chase through Chicago. The sky-boots pursuit itself brought a rush of levity to a stodgy film: but the words ‘ Starlight Express’ did ping to mind.

In short, gravity won. Despite their FX pizzazz and laudable commitment to original filmmaking, the Wachowskis have become near-synonymous with the mismatch between extravagan­t ambition and flawed narrative execution. The filmmakers who belly-flopped to Earth, perhaps? That’s a bit harsh, but Jupiter Ascending did flop.

The warning signs were there, of course. The Matrix was the bar-raising ’90s actioner, but the sequels squandered grand conceptual free-think on joint-stiffened highway fights and space-cave raves. Despite its FX strengths, Speed Racer stiffed harder still. A potential treat emerged duller than Cars 2: a sugar-rush CG high let down by axle-grinding storytelli­ng.

Even recent career upswings have lurched erraticall­y. A pleasingly over-ambitious team-up with Tom Tykwer to adapt David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas drew mixed responses: bewitched (“Wow, existentia­l brain-shag!”), bewildered (“Bored now…”), bemused (“Why is Tom Hanks wearing that stupid conk?”). Last year, Netflix series Sense8 spread out a trippy mind-meld mystery over 12 episodes, but all it led to was a mess-mash of so-so action, sexual fantasy and sappy romance.

As for Jupiter, the failure of that grand folly has seen die-hard fans lamenting the shift towards a franchise-dominated landscape, away from original visions. Lana has agreed, arguing that post-9/11 audiences rely on easy certaintie­s in uncertain times. What chance does the Wachowskis’ self-proclaimed “unique and complex” mindset have, the claim goes, in timid times?

The argument almost convinces… Until it doesn’t. While the Wachowskis’ romantic individual­ism is welcome in theory, Jupiter hardly bursts with complex originalit­y. For wit and style, the best MCU entries thrash it; for big and bold, Gravity and Interstell­ar whup it. True, it’s hard to see studios splashing millions on a Wachowski film now. But maybe that will work in everyone’s favour. The Matrix aside, the Wachowskis’ noir-ish debut Bound is their most focused film. Something of its no-budget kind might reboot our faith. Then let’s talk sky-boots. KH

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