Total Film

is it bollocks?

Film Buff investigat­es the facts behind outlandish movie plots.


Outrunning volcanoes.

This month The pyroclasti­c cloud in dante’s peak Pierce Brosnan’s volcano expert guns his truck and crashes it into a disused mine shaft to escape a pyroclasti­c cloud. Is it really possible to outrun Mother Nature? david pyle, volcanolog­ist at The university of oxford Pyroclasti­c clouds (sometimes called nuées ardentes) can move very fast (60-100km/hr and faster), so while you wouldn’t be able to outrun an advancing cloud on foot if it’s heading directly towards you, there are examples where people have managed to escape in trucks and cars. At Mt. St. Helens [in 1980], a few people were in the forest when the volcano erupted and several managed to escape by driving as fast as they could along the rough logging tracks. Few people have survived being engulfed by a pyroclasti­c flow: the combinatio­n of the energy of the flow (enough to knock you over/unconsciou­s) and the hot, fine ash (causing severe burns and asphyxiati­on) is usually a fatal combinatio­n.

After 1902’s Mt. Pelée eruption, the only survivor was a prisoner in a cell with no windows. On St. Vincent, another Caribbean island that also erupted in May 1902, people caught out in the open by the pyroclasti­c flows died; those who managed to shelter under, or inside, buildings tended to survive. So if Pierce Brosnan’s character drove the truck deep enough inside the mine, it should be enough to save them! verdict not bollocks

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