Total Film



if Harry Potter’s success sent studios digging for the next Hogwarts-scale hit,

Twilight proved equally instrument­al in turning Hollywood’s page on book-to-screen adaptation­s. Daughter Of Smoke And Bone, The Spook’s Apprentice, The Mortal Instrument­s and Warm Bodies were thumbed for evidence of deep-coffers potential. Though “young adult” is often used as a pejorative term, ya books spawned fresh life post-Twilight.

True, Meyer had vocal doubters. “Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn,” said Stephen King, words un-minced. Plus, some failed ya adaps made the charge to strip-mine every book in the library seem unseemly: the Mortal Instrument­s adaptation­s stalled after one film, nudging the story towards middling Tv adap Shadowhunt­ers.

yet Twilight’s negative knock-on effects were met by positives. “People are very eager to dismiss my book as ‘Twilight with zombies,”’ said Warm

Bodies author isaac Marion. “That’s frustratin­g, but i’m glad they’re at least talking about it.” Boy, did they talk. as Penguin trade marketing exec erin Dempsey noted, the upsurge of post-Twilight blog-based power in the promotion of ya fiction proved vertiginou­s: “Twilight fans were rabid, and they took to the web and shared their love in a way that really hadn’t been seen for another book before. These bloggers now have as much power as the traditiona­l media outlets.”

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