Total Film

The Man in The iron Man Mask


Robert Downey Jr. looks back on 10 years of Marvel

“Well, I sensed glory, but I will tell you this, and we spend a lot of time… ‘fraternisi­ng’ I think would be the right way to describe it. We’ve all kind of had this whole year to process what’s going on, and the big secrets and reveals, and all that stuff. There’s plenty of time to get into acceptance. But I just have such pride. Really, honestly, the main thing is, I think we really have become this oddball family that genuinely looks after and cares for each other, and supports each other. So that’s a first for me.

“The other thing is, none of us would be here at this stage without Joss [Whedon]. Because he did a proof-of-concept execution that was monumental. It’s that weird thing, too, where you always wonder with the second time you do something, can it ever live up? Because sometimes you get overrated, and I would flat-out say that because the first Avengers was such a coup that naturally – I’ll just say it myself – as an audience member, I’m like, ‘Well, I’m probably going to shit on you next time.’

“But then there’s been a quantum – literally – shift in the way that things are going now, where all these different franchises are on the horizon, and they’re bringing new energy, and some of us are maybe tapping out or going away. Who knows what the future is? So there’s this whole sense of a franchise team.

“It is funny, because I’ve always felt like you should respect your elders. I don’t know why that was ingrained in me. And slowly over time, it’s begun to occur around me with these folks. But the task is yet to be completed. I don’t think I’ve been hoisted up in a chair and marched around yet like I deserve, but we’ll see.” MM

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