Total Film


Mera, Mera…


how would you describe your character?

Mera is a dedicated, committed, driven, powerful warrior who’s set to be queen of a nation that she deeply cares about, and feels a deep sense of loyalty to. She’s tough. She’s fierce. She’s a warrior. She has commanded armies, and she is willing to fight and die for her kingdom. [Arthur and Mera are] forced into a situation where they have to be unlikely and reluctant allies, and work together. We see this relationsh­ip unfold as their journey unfolds. It’s really nice because at the end, you feel that it’s earned.

did you have any hesitation about taking the role?

Because of my unfamiliar­ity with the comic-book movies and superhero movies, I was trepidatio­us because I had a vague image in my mind of a very specific type of representa­tion of women. I thought it would be limiting to something that was superficia­l, or put me in a reactionar­y posture by making me a damsel or someone who needed to be rescued. So I was hesitant. I spoke to them, and I immediatel­y had my interest piqued when I was pitched by Zack [Snyder] as… you know, he presented Mera as a strong, independen­t, powerful, feisty, intelligen­t warrior queen. I thought, “Oh, I get a crown and a sword. Man knows his audience!” Meaning me.

does it feel like there’s a been a positive change recently in the way these sorts of characters are presented in hollywood movies?

The representa­tion of women has been chronicall­y poor, in that it’s binary, limited, inaccurate and simple. I think in the wake of recent movements, we’re hearing a surge of demand, of voices that are sick of seeing the old archetypal roles that have previously been available to women being played out again. The demand for more accurate representa­tion of the female experience in its variety is long overdue, and it hasn’t caught up with the times by any means. But it’s nice to see Hollywood showing signs of responding to it.

is mera a character you’d like to revisit again?

Hell yeah. I had so much fun making it. It was hard work. I think people are going to really enjoy seeing a badass chick in this kind of role, and it’s about time we had some more superheroe­s and comic-book heroes that are women, and that are saving the day themselves. I like that. I’d revisit that any day, although I do need time before I go back in that suit.

What’s up next for you?

I’m working on some things that I am producing and trying to get made. I’m trying to find interestin­g content with complex roles for women. I’d like to find ways that I can work with other women who also want to do that, and have projects I’m trying to work on that would involve an all-female crew. And to just kind of add some momentum to make up for the deficit that is there in the industry as of now. MM

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