Total Film

Mothers’ Slay

THE CURSE OF LA LLORONA I Michael Chaves brings the Mexican boogey(wo)man to the screen…

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Long ago there was a lady named Maria, the most beautiful woman in all of Mexico. She married a wealthy ranchero and bore him two sons. But when Maria found her husband in the arms of another, she snapped and, in a moment of madness, drowned her children. When she came to her senses she was so grief-stricken she hurled herself into the river, and was cursed to walk the Earth for all eternity, searching for the souls of her children – or any others unfortunat­e enough to cross her path…

That’s the legend of the Weeping Woman and the basis of The Curse Of La Llorona – the debut feature from director Michael Chaves. “There are a lot of different versions of the tale,” says Chaves when asked to explain the myth to an unfamiliar Teasers. “It’s become this ghost story that is often told by abuelas to their grandchild­ren – ‘You’d better behave or La Llorona’s going to come and get you…’”

The film takes place in LA in the 1970s and follows Anna (Linda Cardellini), a social worker and mother of two who, after one job, finds her family haunted by the predatory spirit,

which is intent on stealing her children. “Anna will do anything to protect her kids,” says Chaves of the film’s heroine. “We wanted her to be an outsider who comes to this legend not having grown up with it.”

Taking the part of the titular terror is Marisol Ramirez. “She’s just incredible,” says Chaves. “We really wanted someone terrifying, who could plumb the depths of this monster. La Llorona isn’t always very visible throughout the movie – I wanted to take the

Jaws approach rather than, say, Freddy Krueger – but I wanted her to have this savagery that Marisol really brings to the part.”

The ’70s setting, Chaves says, was chosen partly because “the aesthetic is really cool” and practicall­y because it’s pre-mobile phones, making investigat­ing mysteries that bit harder. “It’s an era where the characters have to talk to people and really dig. That just felt more tactile and cinematic.” The producers looked to ’80s horror classics for inspiratio­n, not least The Changeling and Poltergeis­t. “It’s funny, in my first meeting with New Line, I pitched it as having this gritty Se7en/Zodiac feel, but it’s got much more of a Poltergeis­t vibe.”

The filmmakers won’t currently be drawn on if The Curse Of La Llorona is, as rumoured, a part of the Conjuring-verse or a standalone shocker, but Chaves is effusive about collaborat­ing with horror supremo James Wan on this and the upcoming Conjuring threequel. “He’s the best! I was a fan of his for years. He’s an incredible collaborat­or, he just vibes with you and he has such a great sense for scares.”


 ??  ?? vEILEd THREAT Marisol Ramirez as La Llorona, the cursed mum of legend who killed her kids; Linda Cardellini plays Anna (below), who must now protect her family from the spirit.
vEILEd THREAT Marisol Ramirez as La Llorona, the cursed mum of legend who killed her kids; Linda Cardellini plays Anna (below), who must now protect her family from the spirit.
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