Total Film


Heard mentality…


agender-flipped reboot of a deeply forgettabl­e Mel Gibson movie may not sound like a promising prospect. And it’s true, What Men Want doesn’t entirely rise above that elevator pitch, but it does succeed, thanks almost solely to the presence of its leading lady. Taraji P. Henson stars as Ali, a highly competent sports agent who’s convinced she’s about to make partner – until she’s passed over for her male subordinat­e.

After this jaw-dropping example of the patriarchy at work, and a freak accident involving some psychedeli­c tea and a bar fight, Ali wakes up with the ability to hear men’s thoughts. Once the initial shock wears off, she sees an opportunit­y to finally infiltrate the old-boy network that has been holding her back.

Ali’s efforts to win over the father of an in-demand athlete (30 Rock’s Tracy Morgan) are mostly entertaini­ng, and her chemistry with love interest Will (Aldis Hodge) is sparky enough to offset the romcom clichés. Henson, who’s been overdue a comedy spotlight vehicle for years, gives a vibrant lead

performanc­e that holds everything together. There’s also a lot of fun to be had from the perfectly cast supporting ensemble, in particular Erykah Badu’s delightful­ly unhinged turn as a psychic.

But missed opportunit­ies abound; despite the timely potential of a movie about gender dynamics and a black woman navigating a white man’s world, this remake feels like it could have been made in the same year as the original. Emma Dibdin

ThE vErdiCT

The execution doesn’t live up to the promise, but this is saved by charismati­c performanc­es.

 ??  ?? His mind went into hyperdrive, working out how to smooth out the failed high five…
His mind went into hyperdrive, working out how to smooth out the failed high five…

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