Total Film

vera Farmiga

On scale, scene partners and The Sopranos…


is this the biggest blockbuste­r you’ve appeared in, in terms of size and scale? I guess. [laughs] I think it’s safe to say that this is probably the biggest, rowdiest, most action-packed film I’ve done to date. do you approach it in the same way as a smaller film? From my perspectiv­e, it’s always the same. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re making a 25 cent film, or a $25 billion film. It’s really just focusing on the narrative of your character. It’s really the same – except you have to use more of your imaginatio­n, because you’re acting with imaginary scene partners. [laughs] how was it working with Stranger

Things’ Millie Bobby Brown?

Aw, she’s my little cricket. I don’t think she’s human. She’s too happy to be human. She’s a little rainbow. She’s an absolute rainbow. She’s my proverbial coffee in the morning. It was very easy to snap into that closeness that we needed, and the affection that we needed, because she was my lark on set. Constantly singing and dancing, and teaching me Fortnite dance moves, and flossing competitio­ns.

you’re returning to The Conjuring universe with Annabelle 3. did you think you’d be playing lorraine for so long?

With how exciting and how popular serial television has become, it’s not surprising.

[laughs] If there are characters that touch movie audiences, then studios should take advantage of that. Talking of Tv, you’re in The Many Saints Of Newark, the Sopranos prequel film… I’m just discoverin­g [the TV show] now, and it’s blowing my mind. I didn’t realise how good it was. It has held up. It is extraordin­ary, that show, and I’m very excited to be a part of it. None of the original characters are in [the film], so it needs to feel different. We’ll hold onto the spirit, though, and I think we’ll hold onto the calibre. MM

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