Total Film



book ian nathan | palazzo

The subtitle of Ian Nathan’s tome is A Complete History Of The Film And Television Adaptation­s From The Master Of Horror, and he’s not fibbing. This handsome book covers 65 Stephen King-based movies and 30 TV shows to date, while even such unofficial curiositie­s as Woh, a Bollywood riff on It, and Nasse Schlupper, a German porno take on The Shining, get a mention in the introducti­on.

The format is pleasingly straightfo­rward, tackling the screen adaps chronologi­cally from Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976) to previews of Andy Muschietti’s It Chapter Two and Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep, both due later this year.

Heavy hitters such as Kubrick’s The Shining, Cronenberg’s The Dead Zone, Reiner’s Stand By Me and Misery, and Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and The Mist get six to eight pages apiece, while guff such as the nine (!) Children Of The Corn sequels and The Mangler trilogy are relegated to boxouts.

You naturally won’t agree with all of Nathan’s readings and opinions (one word: Christine) and there’s the occasional niggly error (referring to Stand By Me’s Teddy as Terry throughout), but Stephen King At The Movies is strong on context, Making Of anecdotes and analysis, while Nathan is especially adept at identifyin­g recurring themes and motifs. Also a joy is the mix of stills and behindthe-scenes shots, gleaming so vivid as to bleed off the page. Jamie Graham

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