Total Film




No matter how badass you are,” says a sage baddie in Extraction, “there’s always a bigger badass than you.” That’s sadly true for Chris Hemsworth’s Tyler Rake, whose shooty exploits beg comparison with Jason Bourne and John Wick, only to be outgunned.

Like the aforementi­oned, Rake’s a man of few words but multiple kill skills, a black-market mercenary tearing up Bangladesh­i capital Dhaka on a contract to save a crime lord’s kidnapped son (Rudhraksh Jaiswal’s Ovi). No, the mission is not what it seems. Yes, there will be bonding. Alas, efforts to fuse Rake’s tragic past and Ovi’s hopeless present into a redemptive arc are rooted in cliché, Joe Russo’s script falling short of its emotional target weight.

With both Russos on board as producers, first-time directoria­l duties fall to regular MCU collaborat­or Sam Hargrave. There’s little the seasoned stunt coordinato­r can do to build Rake’s quirks – the name for the one thing; meditating at the bottom of lakes for another – into the next great action antihero. But as you’d hope, Hargrave comes into his own with the set-pieces. While the climactic bridge battle will sate fans of explosions (it’s the type of film where everyone has a rocket launcher in their car boot) and splatty sound FX, the showstoppe­r comes earlier: a turbo-charged, barrels-blazing, fists-flying pursuit that whips us in and out of cars in one impossibly long take. However much digi-gery-pokery was involved, the effect is vividly, vehicularl­y real. Odd moments linger elsewhere – David Harbour’s lairy cameo, some eye-watering self-surgery – but those minutes of mayhem are Extraction’s main takeaway. Matthew Leyland

Chris Hemsworth’s (left) mighty shoulders struggle to carry Extraction to glory, even with Rudhraksh Jaiswal’s (right) help.
LITTLE TRACTION Chris Hemsworth’s (left) mighty shoulders struggle to carry Extraction to glory, even with Rudhraksh Jaiswal’s (right) help.

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