Total Film


The Silencing and Game Of Thrones star on Black Hawks and severed hands.


What’s the first thing you do when you arrive on set?

I get dressed, and I go to makeup as quickly as I can. I like to be early. So when I’m completely ready, I have at least 20 minutes of just having a cup of coffee and relaxing before I go on set.

Do you take anything on set with you?

[Holds up a well-worn silver Thermos] There’s tea with honey inside. That’s because I’m currently shooting on location in Iceland. The first six weeks of the shoot are outdoors, in the elements, and it really comes in handy.

Any on-set superstiti­ons?

When I did my first play, there was a fantastic actor there. Before every show, he would go on stage, and bow to every corner. I was very fascinated by it, but I don’t have any, because if I start doing stuff, then I’ll be afraid to forget it.

How did The Silencing compare to the average set?

It was shot in a place called Sudbury in Canada. It was famous for a couple of things. It was, in the ’70s, the place worst affected by acid rain. And then it also, at one point, had the highest cancer rate per capita in the world. But it suits the film! And it’s very nice now.

Best on-set experience?

There are so many. I’ve been really fortunate. One of the first ones was on Black Hawk Down. We were shooting second unit, me and this other actor, where we were just sitting in Black Hawks, flying up and down the North African coast. That was incredible, I have to say.

Most embarrassi­ng moment on set?

My first film in Denmark was called Nightwatch. I had no experience at all. There was a scene where we had to make love. So I got naked, completely, and then I had to get on the bed. I was completely naked while everyone was walking around. I didn’t know that

I didn’t have to do that! So all day I’m lying there, completely frightened and shrinking, in so many ways.

Any useful skills you’ve learnt on set?

Horseback riding. After I did Black Hawk Down, a couple of years later I got a call: there was a small part Ridley Scott wanted me to do in Kingdom Of Heaven. The only thing they needed to know: “Can you ride a horse?” I said, “Absolutely, I can ride a horse.” I put the phone down, immediatel­y picked the phone back up and called the nearest school for riding horses. [laughs]

How do you reflect on your experience?

Game Of Thrones

It was incredible, as with anything that has that kind of reach and success. I think if the show premiered now, it wouldn’t have that kind of impact. I wouldn’t want to be the prequel that follows this show, because they would have to be as good as we were in Season 5 in their first season, because they will be compared to that. But I’m sure they’ll be as successful as we were and I can’t wait to see what they’ll do.

Best wrap party?

I don’t think wrap parties are that much fun. Everyone’s already out the door. The best parties are the “halfway there” parties. And on Game Of Thrones, Dan Weiss and David Benioff, they knew how to throw a party. There was one in Croatia and one in Spain – anything will pale in comparison to those.

Ever ‘stolen’ anything from set?

I’ve thought of it. But I don’t want to take stuff that’s not mine, which sounds a bit stupid! I desperatel­y wanted [Jaime Lannister’s] hand. I was so desperate. But I also know that’s going to end up on some neverendin­g world tour of Game Of Thrones memorabili­a. So that’s absolutely fine. JF



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 ??  ?? Coster-Waldau stars in dramatic crime thriller The Silencing.
Coster-Waldau stars in dramatic crime thriller The Silencing.

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