Total Film

Turkey shoot


TF’s worst of the year…

10. Artemis Fowl

Slapdash world-building, plastic CGI and a sequel-baiting ending. Anyone who now wants a franchise is away with the fairies.

9. Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite

A trilogy spread over nearly 20 years ended not with a bark but a whimper. Fetch the pooper scooper.

8. Bloodshot

Vin Diesel was part man, part machine, all RoboCop-lite in this comic-book adap. More rudimentar­y than either fast or furious.

7. Honest Thief

Liam Neeson in action again, but anyone who watched him huff and puff through this dull thriller would have felt Taken for a ride.

6. The Turning

This Henry James adap took a wrong turn and left viewers feeling screwed over. Watch The Haunting Of Bly Manor instead.

5. The Grudge

The first US Grudge movie without the involvemen­t of Takashi Shimizu mistook drudgery for dread, and overdid the jump ‘scares’.

4. The Last Days Of American Crime

It teased the heist of the century but served up insipid action and lame clichés stretched over a criminal two-and-a-half hours.

3. Fantasy Island

Much like the titular setting, this Blumhouse reimaginin­g of the ’70s TV series promised excitement, delivered nightmares.

2.The Last Thing He Wanted

Dee Rees directing. Hathaway, Affleck, Dafoe starring. How did this prestige thriller turn its title into a warning?

1. Dolittle

Animal tragic: Robert Downey Jr.’s bad doctor (that accent!) took viewers on a crazed misadventu­re. By the director of Syriana.

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