Total Film

Favourite mystery detective?

Benoit Blanc excluded…


“Poirot has been my guy, going back

[a long time] – I find him hilarious. But it’s funny, over the past few years, I’ve actually been rereading a lot of John Dickson Carr, and his detective Gideon Fell is one of my new favourites. He’s such a hilarious character and such a dick [laughs]. It’s so funny. And, also, I’m reading Sherlock Holmes for the first time. I’ve never actually read the original Sherlock Holmes stories, and I’ve been working my way through them. Holmes is no slouch either.”


“Angela Lansbury. Loved [Murder, She Wrote]. I used to watch that with my family. I love her. She’s missed.”


“I loved Chinatown. To me, that’s one of the great film-noir films of all time. I love that. I like that kind of character, the pissy detective who’s just pulling on the threads.”


“At this point, Angela Lansbury, obviously, she’s just passed. That’s the only person to me right now. For me and my childhood, it was always on television, always the one… I remember, I had a nanny, and all she watched was Murder, She Wrote. Angela was in the kitchen with me, growing up, all the time. And House. He’s quite the detective. I love that show.”


“You know what also just came to me?

Prime Suspect with Helen Mirren. My mom was obsessed with that. I just remembered that. All of a sudden, I was like: I totally forgot that that was one that was a big one [for me].”


“Jessica Fletcher. Murder, She Wrote. I grew up on that.”


“There’s Clue. I love that film. But I don’t know [if it counts]? It’s fun. I also grew up reading my mom’s old Nancy Drew books. She had the whole collection. So I always thought that was cool.”


“Poirot, I think, probably… Peter Ustinov is probably my touchstone with any of this. I mean, Albert Finney does Murder On The

Orient Express. His Poirot is kind of… I don’t know. It’s different. But it’s great. I love it. And I love those movies because they do what we’re sort of, in a sense, trying to do – to just cram it with as many brilliant faces as possible. I got so excited when I watched those as a kid. I’d go [gasps] as that person would turn up, and that person would turn up. It was so exciting to watch.”


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