Total Guitar

Barns Courtney

Guitar-smashing chart threat


I go out there and I play as loud and as hard as I can. I beat the thing with my fists...

Some guitarists widdle, some riff and some just want to smash the thing to splinters. The latter best describes songwriter Barns Courtney. “The way I play is pretty unorthodox,” he tells TG. “I go out there and I play as loud and as hard as I can. I beat the thing with my fists. If I lack technical proficienc­y, you know I’m going to make up for it with passion.”

This approach seems to be connecting. Ahead of the release of his debut Attraction­s Of Youth next month, the songwriter has already amassed nearly 14 million plays of his single Fire. Barns is not counting his chickens, yet though: his first band, Dive Bella Dive, signed to Island only to see their debut album shelved, leaving the songwriter with little more than an acoustic guitar and a diet of canned sardines. “I remember going to Co-op and the woman at the counter said to me, ‘Ah what, you ’avin a fish party?’” he laughs. “I was like, ‘No, I’m just poor…’”

Rather than wallow, Barns channeled his energy into recording new material with ex-bandmate Sam Berns, using found sounds and a knackered piano in lieu of bass or drum gear and, lacking an amp, distorting an acoustic with multiple re-tapings. Demons exorcised, the bombastic desperatio­n of those recordings attracted his current label Virgin. Looking back, what possessed him to keep going?

“I think, when it’s in you, you don’t have a choice,” confesses Barns. “I love that Charles Bukowski poem So You Want To Be A Writer?, where he says: “Unless it burns like a sun in your gut – don’t do it!” That’s how I felt: like it was burning a hole through my gut and I had to get back into it.”

FOR FANS OF George Ezra, Mumford & Sons Gear Fender Blues Junior III

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