Total Guitar

the gas station

Real world revi ews of the best new gear


Welcome to the GAS (Gear Acquisitio­n Syndrome*) Station! Every issue, TG scours the market for the hottest new gear and brings you transparen­t reviews that you can trust. From the smallest of accessorie­s that make your life easier, to big investment­s, such as brand new guitars, amps and effects pedals – if it’s worth your attention, you’ll find it here!

Howwetest Curation

Our product selection is driven by our love of gear. We select the most exciting products on the market every month to bring you opinions you can trust.

Fac e-value reviews

We’re not gear snobs here at

Total Guitar. We judge it on whether it looks good, sounds good and plays well – not by the name on the headstock.

No snake oil

You won’t find us getting hung up on hokey mythology or nonsense marketing speak: we aim to bring you bullshit-free opinions on the gear you’re interested in.

We ca n’t be bought

TG review scores are a true reflection of our experts’ opinion on the product they’ve been testing. You’ll never find a rating in our mag that has been bought and paid for.

Real world reviews

We test every product under the conditions that they were designed for. For example, if an amp is designed to be played loud, rest assured that we’ll have tested it at rehearsal/gig volumes!

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