Total Guitar

The TG Pedal Buyer’s Guide

Build your dream pedalboard on any budget as we filter the very best effects on the market


Jargon Buster

The key pedal terms you need to know

Analogue dry-through

Most commonly found on digital pedals, this means your dry guitar signal is unaffected by the effect’s digital converters.


BBD stands for Bucket Brigade Device – the chip used in vintage chorus, flanger and delay pedals, and still found in analogue pedals today.


Buffers are often misunderst­ood: in tech terms, they provide a high input impedance and low output impedance, which is designed to maintain your tone when bypassed. Good-quality buffers, such as those found in most Boss pedals, retain your guitar’s high-end and keep it that way across big pedalboard­s and long cable runs. They also do away with switching noise and allow trails to ring out when you bypass a delay or reverb. Too many buffers can cause a build-up of noise and interfere with vintage fuzz pedals, so experiment­ing with pedal placement is crucial. A well-planned pedalboard will feature a mix of buffered and true bypass pedals.

Effects loop


If you’re using your amp for gain, you’ll want to employ its effects loop for your modulation, delay and reverb effects – this prevents them being muddied by your amp’s drive. Gain, wah and pitch effects go into the input of the amp. Running effects into the input and the effects loop is commonly known as the four-cable method.

Gain stacking

The use of multiple overdrive pedals in sequence to achieve thicker gain tones. For example, running a boost into an overdrive, or combining fuzz and distortion.

Isolated power supply

Investing in a good power supply will make your pedalboard sound its best. Isolated power supplies are more expensive, but provide each pedal with its own power source, preventing the hum and hiss that can result when combining power for certain pedals.


Confusingl­y, there are two types of looper: there’s the kind that Ed Sheeran uses to sample and repeat his playing, while the other refers to true bypass loopers or switching systems, used to bypass multiple pedals at once or create presets, such as Thegigrig’s G2.


When an effect begins to feed back into itself - think delay pedal spaceship noises!

Patch cable

The short cables used to connect pedals together. Solderless kits allow you to cut cables to size and assemble your own without whipping out the soldering iron.


The ability to track more than one note at once, whether that’s for pitch-shifting or tuning.

Tap tempo

Used to sync effects to exact tempos, mostly on delay and modulation pedals.


Usually found on delays and reverbs, trails refer to repeats ringing out once the pedal has been bypassed. This is switchable on many modern stompboxes.


Used to describe pedals, often overdrives, that retain your core guitar tone, rather than overly Eq’ing it.

True bypass

The form of bypass found on most contempora­ry pedals, true bypass connects the input directly to the output when the pedal is not in use. It’s the most transparen­t form of bypass, but can reduce high-end when many true bypass pedals are chained together.


Most pedals run on 9V DC, but some (mostly overdrives) are designed to run on 18V or above for increased clean headroom and a tight er sound.

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