Total Guitar


Play more notes with fewer fingers, and get to grips with essential rock ’n’ roll, funk and soul shapes


If you know how to play an open E chord, F should be easy – just move it up one fret, right? If you’ve tried that, you’ll know it doesn’t work, because the open strings need to ‘move’ too. Full barre chords use your first finger like a capo, so you can use just a couple of shapes to play any chord. This process opens up a whole world of chords that can’t be played in open position. Eventually, you’ll learn to apply pressure evenly across all six strings with your first finger. It’s worth practising barring all the strings without forming a chord, but it isn’t necessary for this lesson’s shapes. You’ll be fretting notes on the middle strings with your other fingers, so it won’t matter if your barre isn’t perfect yet. You should also practise playing open chords without using your first finger, to get used to the shapes your other fingers will be making.

Get your fingers in prime position and your barres will rock!


Try angling your barring finger slightly for an effective barring technique. The side of your finger is harder than the front, so it’s easier to apply pressure.

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