Townsville Bulletin

txt the editor


Minty you did a great job on V8TV over the weekend. Congrats and look forward to hearing and seeing you again in 2015. JU 4818 Dip in V8 ticket sales because they took away 2 sets of grandstand­s, rearranged the event layout making it difficult to get around and poking some vendors away in corners, and increasing ticket prices. I know lots of people didn’t go because of pricing. BH4817 Mr Springborg. My wife was a patient at the townsville hospital where she was treated like a leper sedated and shown the door. Yeah fantastic work health minister give your self a pat on the back. Sam H condon 4815 Steveo did you get to have a sick day when you caught the flu? Did you get paid extra for working overtime? Did your wife get to keep her job after having a baby instead of being automatica­lly sacked? If you did then thank a union rep. These things that you take for granted now only happened because of unions. If you seriously think a workforce without unions is such a utopia, then look no further than the US with their “working poor” non union underclass. As for the “huge salaries” accusation, I must have missed that memo, as I’m a union rep for my workplace and believe me it is not a paid position. Jack adale Dear insurance companies – If one of you had any brains you would offer us North Qlders a good deal say flat rate of $ 1500 and only increase your premiums by 5% every year and let it be known to the masses you would have about 90% of the home insurance market here and everyone could tell them rip off companies to jump in a lake even if you had a high excess of $ 1000 it would still be a winner. Andy, Railway Estate The Unions are scared because they are losing their strangleho­ld on the poor, needy and foolish. My sister has worked at Townsville Hospital for years and tells me the place is finally being put back on track. Apparently the union reps there are going crazy because the nurses aren’t listening to their rubbish anymore. Yippee. Lecky, Heatley God help us! How did we deserve to have a nut case like Palmer in Parliament? He may even end up in jail having pinched $ 10 mil from a joint account with a Chinese co. That would be good riddance! Tommy 4810 With regard to Clive palmer holding the balance of power in the senate, he only has the numbers because liberal & labor will not get together and do what’s best for the country. There is enough intelligen­ce in the liberal & labor parties to find good governance but no they let fools dictate. Mick westend Fair trade deal my ass. What we get is boat loads of cheap crap that brakes as quick as you can buy it. And our farmers can sell all the good stuff over seas and leave all the crap that they produce here. Sounds like a good thing. How dumb is the politician­s that run this country. Ben heatly NJ Cranbrook, you are implying that the 23.5 million that didn’t march, support the Government­s budget. I can assure you that many of us didn’t march because of other commitment­s, not because we support the budget! Gazza 4818 NJ of Cranbrook. Why don’t you and all your mates that support the budget go and march? Then we can see just how many of you there are. It’s easy to complain from the safety of your lounge room, but takes more guts to get out and do something Comparing Johnathan Thurston with Jarryd Hayne is a non event, JT plays 80 minutes, Hayne plays when he feels like it! Dale Parker OAM

Yesterday’s crash doesn’t surprise me. The buses on Ninth Avenue really need to slow down. Lots of young children ride bikes, skateboard and billy cart down this street. I nearly had my car door taken off by a speeding bus last month. TT Ninth Avenue railway estate Why don’t all the doogooders who dont want to boat people returned, be made to support these people out of their own finances. They should be housed by them too. Lets see how high they will hold their hands to accept. We all accept Asylum people to be paid by our govt but not queue jumpers. My bet is ( Jumbo mouth Milne) would be last to put her hand up if required to put her own money up. DJ gabut Kylie city as a new green voter ( I personally would be too embarrasse­d to admit to voting for a party with Hanson young as a front line spokes person) maybe you can tell us all how we can fund all the boat people if we have the greens policy of if you arrive by boat you must be a refugee. We have pensioners and nurses marching about cutbacks so what more cuts would have to be done to fund your open gate policy. What about our homeless? What’s your plan for your home grown terrorists? The laws are now having to be changed because of this new threat. We all eagerly await your great green plan. N. 4811 Agree with gj wulguru Bilton carries on with a lot of gibberish not much he says makes any sense but I do get a laugh out of nonsense that he speaks. Geoff deeragun Regarding Todd carney, I agree with shari after all it was done in a toilet not in view of the public. He was not robbing little old ladies or stealing cars or hitting anyone in a nightclub. Boys will be boys and do silly things when they have a few drinks and he should not be punished for just being silly. Thomas west end I think what Todd Carney did was funny. Apparently the ‘’ Y’’ generation are into it big time. We bought ‘ em up folks. Peter 4810

 ??  ?? I have a theory that gravity varies with temperatur­es. For example it is harder to
get out of bed on a cold morning than it is on a warm one. Chrisn rowes bay
I have a theory that gravity varies with temperatur­es. For example it is harder to get out of bed on a cold morning than it is on a warm one. Chrisn rowes bay

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