Townsville Bulletin

Motorists on notice of traffic crackdown

Crashes keep cops busy

- RACHEL RILEY rachel. riley@ news. com. au

EMERGENCY services had to deal with four morning crashes on the first official day of school holidays as police warned motorists they were cracking down on dangerous drivers.

At 6am a male cyclist, 38, was taken to Townsville Hospital with facial injuries after a collision with car at the intersecti­on of Bayswater Rd and Mooney St, Currajong.

Less than two hours later, a motorcycli­st was hospitalis­ed with arm and leg injuries after a crash at the intersecti­on of Carthew St and Thuringowa Drive.

Minutes later on the Ring Rd off- ramp to Riverway Drive at Condon, a driver escaped serious injury after a four- wheeldrive hit a light pole.

Just before noon, two cars collided on Anne St, Aitkenvale, with one man taken to hospital with back pain.

The crashes followed a weekend traffic operation in Rasmussen targeting dangerous drivers, which nabbed six speedsters and a drink- driver who blew .107.

Kirwan officer in charge and Acting Senior Sergeant Brenton Webb said 277 RBTs were conducted, six speeding fines were issued, and two people were charge with nine offences.

“The Rasmussen Police Beat, in conjunctio­n with Kirwan Police, were responding to reports from members of the community that identified unregister­ed vehicles using streets Gouldian Ave, Riverway Drive and Beck Drive,” Sen- Sgt Webb said.

Northern Region

Acting Assistant Commission­er Paul Taylor said that, with wet conditions to continue, drivers needed to be more careful.

“Braking at the speeds you are travelling are a lot more difficult than they are in dry conditions,” he said.

Mr Taylor said he was disappoint­ed a driver was caught drink driving over the weekend, with Operation Cold Snap to continue targeting bad driver behaviour across the city over the next fortnight.

“In this day and age people should realise they are not only putting themselves at risk, they are also putting other roads users at risk,” he said.

“There are plenty of options for transport like phone a friend, take a taxi or walk, so don’t spoil a good night by driving the next day.”

Meanwhile a man, 65, hospitalis­ed with “minor to moderate” head injuries after a crash on the Bruce Highway at Bluewater on Saturday remained in a stable condition in Townsville Hospital late yesterday.

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