Townsville Bulletin

Wear- and- pay push builds


A NEW range of payment devices that people can wear has been unveiled by Barclaycar­d as people’s use of “tap and pay” technology continues to grow.

The new “bPay” wristbands, fobs and stickers will go on sale in the UK online from tomorrow and are being made available to people aged 12 and above.

They work in a similar way to contactles­s cards and can be used at any of the 300,000- plus locations in the UK that accept contactles­s payments.

The wristband is priced at £ 24.99 ($ A51.49), the fob, which can be attached to a keyring or bag, is priced at £ 19.99 and the sticker, which can be attached to items to transform them into a contactles­s way to pay, will cost £ 14.99.

The wristband and the fob will also go on sale on the high street from August, including at some CycleSurge­ry and Runners Need outlets, which are part of the Snow and Rock Group, Barclaycar­d said.

People using the devices will be able to set them up by going to a website or using an app.

They can choose to top the devices up with set amounts of cash if they want to.

Apart from the upfront cost of buying the devices, there are no transactio­n, usage or top- up fees for consumers, Barclaycar­d said. As with contactles­s cards, a 20- transactio­n limit will apply to the devices.

Payments made using the wearable devices will also have the same fraud protection­s as contactles­s cards, Barclaycar­d said.

The British Bankers’ Associatio­n recently said consumers using contactles­s cards have collective­ly saved more than 93 years at the checkout since they were introduced.

On average, it takes half a second to tap and go with a contactles­s card, it said.

Barclaycar­d’s bPay wearable devices include wristbands, fobs and stickers.
FAST WORKERS: Barclaycar­d’s bPay wearable devices include wristbands, fobs and stickers.
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