Townsville Bulletin

Take a wealth check


wealthy people recognise that failure is the ultimate learning opportunit­y and have the selfbelief to back themselves to succeed next time. Money can be a highly emotional subject – especially as the pain of losing it can be twice as strong as the joy of gaining it.

But the rich understand the importance of being rational about money, and not being blinded by negative emotions such as greed, envy or regret.

A rational approach to building wealth will serve you much better than letting emotions guide your financial decisions – and provide a much better chance of success. Wealthy people understand that it’s always possible to achieve more, whether that’s a project, a negotiatio­n or a partnershi­p.

They appreciate the importance of networking, always finding new angles on a business deal and are comfortabl­e using assets to generate new income streams.

Good enough is fine if you’re happy staying in the middle of the road but for the rich, it’s never enough. Applying a positive attitude compounds the returns they achieve both in their career and their wealth.

It goes without saying that most wealthy people have worked hard for what they have. But they also realise that there are only 24 hours in a day, and you can’t magically create more time in which to work hard and earn money.

In order to break away from the daily grind of the mortgage belt and become wealthy, at some stage you have to divorce yourself from the idea that the time you spend working is directly equivalent to the money you earn.

For example, a successful business can generate a return for its owner that’s disproport­ionate to the amount of effort they’ve put in, as can a canny investment. Other things contribute to this, too, such as being recognised as an expert in your field which can lead to opportunit­ies.

Take a minute to see money through the eyes of the rich and use some of this thinking in your life. You might steer away from the middle of the road.

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