Townsville Bulletin

Zodiac forecasts

- with Jonathan Cainer What sign are you? Find out FREE at www. cainer. com www. cainer. com Teletopia. Max call cost $ 1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/ payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702

Dear Jonathan, Hasn’t NASA classified Pluto’s giant heart as a ‘ Broken Heart’? Alexis. Dear Alexis, I’m not sure that ‘ Broken Heart’ is an official descriptio­n. But even if it is ( or is just so apt that it ought to be) it raises a question: is there really such a thing as a heart that has never been broken? Dear Jonathan, My first thoughts on Pluto’s appearance were that Pluto always cuts through to the heart of a matter. And an encounter with a Plutonian influence invariably leaves people with ‘ more heart’ despite any emotional pain they may go through. Morgana.


Mar 20 – Apr 19

Think of what you experience when a new pair of shoes pinch your feet. What’s the difference between comfort and pain? In terms of how you feel, it’s enormous. But to a cobbler, it’s a millimetre here, a tiny little awl hole there. Not every big change requires a big adjustment. Today, possibly somewhat to your surprise, you’ll discover that what was starting to look like an enormous step that might need great courage to take actually just requires a minor shift in perspectiv­e. This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. It can change your life. Call 1900 950 020.


May 21 – Jun 20

The further into this week, the less confused you become. If you don’t feel you are even a little confused, I must issue a small word of warning. Clarity, certainty or an unshakeabl­e sense of confidence can be a symptom of delusion. And delusion is the worst kind of confusion! By which logic we can at least deduce that, if you soon start to feel more confused, it may be a sign that you are getting less confused! Sources of psychologi­cal pressure which have been growing lately, soon start to diminish. Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For inspiratio­n call 1900 950 020.


Jul 22 – Aug 22

Staying the same is not an option. Nor is there really a provision, in the current cosmic contract, for you evolving and blossoming while your situation remains much as it ever was. The two must move on at roughly the same pace. And you must see this as a blessing rather than as the curse you’re currently half inclined to suspect that it may be. it is not, after all, as if you feel that your life has reached some level of idyllic perfection that ought to be preserved. Trust that what’s changing is right. It truly is! I’ve got important news. To hear your spookily accurate Moon- sign prediction. Call 1900 950 020.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

‘ Fairy tales can come true… if you’re young at heart.’ So goes the old Frank Sinatra hit. Ah, but that’s only a song. Can we live our lives by this philosophy? What gives us the right to expect a life full of joyous developmen­ts simply because we have refused to make room for our inner grown- up? Are you not, today, supposed to be respecting rules and taking potential problems very seriously? How dare you prioritise something seemingly trivial? Well, if fairy tales do start to come true, you will have only yourself to blame! This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. It can change your life. Call 1900 950 020.


Nov 20 - Dec 20

Why are we here? What is the purpose? What is the plan? Perhaps the purpose is to see that there is no plan! Don’t we flatter ourselves when we indulge the idea that this vast cosmos has a specific destiny in mind for each of us? Can the very force which has created all the stars in space, even distinguis­h between one human and another? Unless perhaps mystic tradition is right to state that we are all an embodiment of the entire universe. Thus, we have more power over it than we think. You may just find that’s true today. Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For inspiratio­n call 1900 950 020.


Jan 20 - Feb 17

‘ If I ruled the world, every day would be the first day of spring.’ So goes the old song made famous by Sir Harry Secombe. I often quote it when people encounter astrologic­al circumstan­ces like those that are currently influencin­g you. That lyric says so much. I mean, just think about it. The first day of spring? Every single day? When ( to quote another song) would there be a harvest for the world? Sometimes, we have to be careful what we wish for, especially when ( as now) we stand a surprising­ly good chance of getting it. I’ve got important news. To hear your spookily accurate Moon- sign prediction. Call 1900 950 020.


Apr 20 – May 20

The biggest bullies are always those who would least like to be bullied. It takes courage to stand up to someone throwing their weight around but once strength is found, if backed with determinat­ion, it quickly communicat­es itself. The originator of that sense of menace soon backs off and finds a more vulnerable victim. Much the same can be said of the unwelcome concern that’s now making your life a misery. As you’ll see today, if you refuse to be cowed by it, it has far less power and validity than you think. I’ve got important news. To hear your spookily accurate Moon- sign prediction. Call 1900 950 020.


Jun 21 – Jul 21

The Moon is getting fuller each evening. As the Moon rules your sign, and some are now saying that this next Full Moon will be a Blue Moon, should you let yourself get at least a little excited? Or, as a cautious Cancerian, would you prefer to wait till you can see proof of something positive happening before you start to celebrate? The trouble with such reticence is that, in a delicately balanced situation, it can be just enough to prevent the scale of fortune to hit a tipping point. Give luck a helping hand today. Believe in it. This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. It can change your life. Call 1900 950 020.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Things could be about to get a lot better. You don’t really need very much to change. It may seem as if a mountain must move or some seismic shift is required, but that, as much as anything, is because we all have a tendency to exaggerate our needs and requiremen­ts. Whenever something or someone is not right in front of us, we fear that it ( or they) might as well be a million miles away. It will take less effort than you imagine to get you where you need to be today. And you will like it when you get there. Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For inspiratio­n call 1900 950 020.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Are the numbers failing to add up? Or are they simply failing to add up to the total you were hoping for? Numbers may no lie but they often mislead. And when we try too hard to rationalis­e and justify our own calculatio­ns, we can too easily drive ourselves into either a frenzy of false fear or a hubbub of unrealisti­c expectatio­n. Things may not now be quite as you had hoped but nor do you face a situation that warrants great worry. The numbers simply aren’t telling you the whole story. Heed them but heed your heart, too. I’ve got important news. To hear your spookily accurate Moonsign prediction. Call 1900 950 020.


Dec 2 1 - Jan 19

We invest so much in outcomes. It seems as if we can hardly so much as glance at a process without forming an opinion about what we hope will happen at the end of it. We are so naturally attuned to the idea of cheering for one contestant and booing another that, almost on instinct, we appraise every situation as if it were a match of some kind. Don’t be a gambler today, be a bookie. You are in the enviable position of being able to ensure that things work out in a way that suits you, regardless of who or what gets the upper hand. This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. It can change your life. Call 1900 950 020.


Feb 18 - Mar 19

Sometimes, adults go to inordinate lengths to intimidate children. These days, thankfully there is a lot less of this unpleasant posturing. Still, though, some adults bully other adults, even if only unconsciou­sly. And still, sometimes, we bully ourselves. We make ourselves feel bad when really, we have every right and reason to feel good. Are you worrying today, about a situation that ought not to be giving much cause for concern at all? Trust yourself and trust, too, your entitlemen­t to experience generous gifts from a kind cosmos. Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For inspiratio­n call 1900 950 020.

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