Townsville Bulletin

Put Australia first


ESTABLISHE­D political parties are running scared of the stunning victories of Brexit England and Trump USA.

Surely the political elite are taking notes, discussing the situation and making changes?

The people keep asking: why are our industries being sold to foreign powers, why have we sold the Port of Darwin, why has a foreign power taken our sugar industry?

Vegemite is now being bought back to Australian hands by Bega Australia from USA Mondelez Int, yet Uncle Toby’s Oats is controlled in Switzerlan­d.

Bushells Tea started by Alfred Bushell in 1883 in Queensland is now owed by British/ Dutch Company Unilever. We already know Arnott’s ( makers of the treasured Tim Tam), is foreign owned, however the worst is Golden Circle, now owned by the giant USA based Heinz Company.

Some products are manufactur­ed in Australia, some of the ingredient­s are grown here, but the profits and benefits go overseas. Letters and texts and calls to all media every day ask, “Why, don’t we make things here any more?”

Yet no one gives us a real answer, the madness of the world dominated free market does not benefit us, and never will.

Our wealth in food production and minerals has been stripped from our shores to benefit other countries.

Voters are losing faith in what is happening in Canberra. It does not matter who you vote for with the current lot, you are going to get the same.

They jump on to any little misquote or mistake because they have nothing of real substance to offer.

I remember when we sold lots of produce to Britain, be- fore they joined the EU, maybe when the shackles of this world trade are removed, Britain will once again buy lots of things from us.

Donald Trump has made no secret of the fact that he will put America first, and yet he is being decried for this.

If and when a politician or political party steps forward and puts our country, our people, our soldiers, our elderly, our health system and our food security first, second and third, then maybe we will not have this carnage that we call a Senate.

Or hundreds of minor par- ties all running around with good intentions and not able to deliver because they are not in government.

Now we don’t even make a car here. The profound sadness of this is nearly too much to bear. Short- sighted decisions result in short- term solutions. It is time to make some longterm decisions, with long and stable solutions for the next generation.

We don’t have much time, as the next state and federal elections are already on the horizon. DEBRA GIBSON, Pinnacles

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