Townsville Bulletin

Premier caves in to Trad’s loony Left on Adani mine


A TOXIC brew of self- interest and division – concocted by Jackie Trad and her loony Left kitchen cabinet – has threatened to kill the Adani Carmichael mine, with Green inner- Brisbane preference­s and phony ideology put ahead of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of investment and royalties.

Last week, Adani had no choice but to indefinite­ly delay the $ 16.5 billion Carmichael project’s final tick when Labor’s Left faction revolted.

Spearheade­d by Deputy Premier Trad, the group’s electoral vulnerabil­ity to the sway of Green preference­s sparked hostilitie­s with the Premier.

True leaders are either revealed or made at the crossroads.

Riding on Annastacia Palaszczuk’s next move were the more than 6000 jobs that would be generated from the Adani mine.

But Palaszczuk didn’t just blink. She wilted in no time and shrank from her deal with Adani. This was a test of the Premier’s leadership – and she failed.

She is not in control of her ministers or her Government.

Of course, we are now hearing – deep into the crisis and after relentless media pressure – about a plan cobbled together by the Premier and her warring ministers to save face … and save the Carmichael mine from the edge of death that they have walked it to.

Just how can the business community have faith in that sort of scrambling approach?

And how can North Queensland­ers draw any assurance that a resurgent deal will be honoured?

On Adani and myriad matters af- fecting the future of North Queensland, the Premier says one thing to the people of Townsville – then back in Brisbane, caves in to Jackie Trad and the Left powerbroke­rs who are really running the Government.

Uncertaint­y is all around because Annastacia Palaszczuk has failed to put Queensland­ers first.

For a Queensland Premier, there really is no more demonstrab­le failure than that. TIM NICHOLLS, LNP Queensland Opposition Leader.

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