Townsville Bulletin

Napa the template for Hess’s Origin rise


MAROONS bolter Coen Hess is high on confidence and will use Queensland hit- man Dylan Napa’s Origin II dominance as inspiratio­n.

Hess ran for a game- high 220m in North Queensland’s 14- 12 win against Penrith on Saturday, less than 72 hours after his State of Origin debut.

Speaking for the first time since his Queensland selection, the 20- year- old Cowboys sensation said he would be better prepared for Origin III at Suncorp Stadium on July 12.

“I’ve had a bit of a feel of the game now,” Hess said. “I know how fast it is. I know all the plays and shapes now.

“I will be going into the camp a lot more confident. It’s all about confidence. The more you play the better you go.

“I thought I did everything I was asked to do. I would have liked to have had a bit more of an impact but I think I went out there and did the job Kevvie ( coach Kevin Walters) wanted me to do.”

Hess doesn’t have to look far for inspiratio­n.

Fiery prop Napa had a mediocre Origin I on debut but exploded in Origin II.

Hess was not injected into the game until midway through the second half but that short stint could do wonders for him in the decider.

“Naps would have felt a lot more confident in that second game having been in the system and knowing the plays,” Hess said.

“He’s a guy that I definitely look up to. Going forward that’s the kind of impact I want to have on the game.”

 ??  ?? Maroons rookie Coen Hess.
Maroons rookie Coen Hess.

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