Townsville Bulletin

19 quick ways to save $ 100

We all want to cut costs. You can save a bundle with a few simple tips.

- Moneysaver­HQ. com. au

THE average Australian is the second richest person in the world behind the average Swiss. But it sure doesn’t seem like it.

While superannua­tion and property values have had good gains, slow wage growth has meant our income growth to pay bills has been subdued.

Every dollar counts. So here are 19 ways that can each save at least $ 100. And maybe lots more. 1. DON’T BUY BOTTLED WATER The great First World waste of money. Why pay $ 4 a bottle, more than you do for a litre of petrol, when you can turn on a tap and get it for free. Crazy. 2. RING THE BANK FOR A DISCOUNT They can only say no … but they’ll probably say OK. Especially if you have insurance, credit cards and investment­s with the bank. You’re a valuable customer and therefore should get at least a 0.5 per cent discount on the advertised variable home loan rate. It will save thousands of dollars. 3. WAIT A DAY AFTER DECIDING TO BUY SOMETHING In other words, never buy on impulse. You’ll be amazed, by taking the extra 24 hours, how often you decide not to go through with the transactio­n. 4. USE COUPONS AND SHOPPER DOCKETS There are bargain discounts right in front of you which we hardly ever use – such as on the back of supermarke­t receipts. There are great deals if you look. 5. CALL FREE Forget about finding the best long- distance or internatio­nal phone plan, download apps like Skype and WhatsApp and call friends and relatives for free. 6. FORGO TAKEAWAY COFFEE Grab a free coffee from home or the work kitchen instead of your $ 3.50 latte from the local cafe. Save $ 20 a week, $ 80 a month, $ 1000 a year. It adds up. 7. SHOP SMART Anything at eye level on supermarke­t shelves is more expensive than products at your toes or above your head. Eye- level shelves are prime spots and producers pay supermarke­t more for it. 8. REVIEW YOUR INSURANCE Never automatica­lly pay a renewal, always compare and ask for a better deal. Save by having your house, car and life insurance with the same company. Increase the excess if you are struggling to pay your premiums but never cut the level of coverage. 9. GET RID OF CREDIT Switch to a debit credit card and avoid interest charges and late fees. Debit credit cards let you use credit card facilities but only let you to spend your own money so you can’t go into debt. 10. TAKE LUNCH TO WORK It’s hard to buy a sandwich and a drink for less than $ 10. Plan ahead when you do the weekly grocery shop and take a packed lunch to work. Save $ 50 a week, $ 200 a month, $ 10,000 a year. 11. BUY SECONDHAND You can save a fortune buying secondhand clothes, furniture and toys. Online sites like eBay or Gumtree help you search, view, bid and buy virtually anything … at a bargain. 12. CUT ENERGY COSTS Cut electricit­y bill by installing energy- efficient or fluorescen­t bulbs, unplugging the second fridge and using drying racks instead of the clothes dryer.

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