Townsville Bulletin

Why we get hot and bothered


HEATED discussion­s about energy use habits are taking place in nearly half of Australian households as winter electricit­y bills bite.

A new study by comparethe­market. com. au shows 43 per cent of couples argue about turning up the heating, while one- third of people believe their partner is wasteful with electricit­y.

It found the 45- to- 54 age group appeared to bicker the most about energy costs.

“This age group tends to have high energy- usage homes, with teenagers’ computers, additional television­s and other gadgets sucking up extra power,” Abigail Koch, comparethe­market. com. au spokeswoma­n, said.

Leaving lights on was the biggest complaint, while women were more likely to change their behaviour by putting on extra clothing.

Stephanie Lund and Paul Kornel moved in together this year and have found energy habits can cause conflict.

“Our first power bill since moving in together was really high, so I’ve become more aware of how much energy we’re using,” Ms Lund said.

“It drives me crazy that Paul still leaves the lights and TV on even if we’re in another room. He thinks I’m nagging but I think I’m saving us money. I don’t want to be hit by a big end- of- winter bill.”

Ms Koch said people could lower winter electricit­y costs by:

• the use of hot water in dishwasher­s and washing machines, and having shorter showers;

• energy- saving light bulbs were installed;

• off appliances at the wall to save an extra 10 per cent a year, and;

• their existing electricit­y contract at least once a year.

She said most discounts on contracts ran for 12- month periods. “If you don’t contact your electricit­y provider, your agreement will automatica­lly revert back to the standard rate, which is the most expensive.”

Origin Energy spokesman Stuart Osbourne said people could reduce energy use conflict by switching to fixed price energy plans, while those with smart meters — rolling out across Australia — could look at them to potentiall­y spot cost savings and settle arguments.

“Other options would be to have a conversati­on about the impact of wasting energy around the home — in terms of money and carbon footprint — or go around the house switching lights off, which I often do, and turning appliances off at the wall, which I also do,” he said.

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