Townsville Bulletin

Canberra’s cash will come with a warning


MANGLED tourist attraction­s battered by Cyclone Debbie will receive a further $ 38 million to rebuild under a final Federal Government deal today that comes with a blunt warning for Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Beaches, parks and rivers across the state still bearing the scars from the Category 4 storm will share in an extra $ 20 million, plus $ 15 million will be offered to restore the economic hub Shute Harbour Marina, near Airlie Beach.

The tit- for- tat battle over the Category D, jointly funded Natural Disaster and Recovery Arrangemen­ts is about $ 100 million short of what the State Government had demanded.

Altogether, the joint- funding to help affected communitie­s will now reach $ 96 million.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad this month moved a motion in Parliament that “notes the failure of the Turnbull Government to fund its 50 per cent share of the $ 220 million Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangemen­ts Category D funding package for Queensland’s recovery from TC Debbie, and calls on the Turnbull Government to fund its share”.

Ms Palaszczuk had also said “my Government’s commitment of $ 110 million stands”.

“The Prime Minister can find $ 122 million for a postal vote on same- sex marriage, but he cannot find $ 110 million for Queensland communitie­s devastated by Tropical Cyclone Debbie,” she said.

In Brisbane today, Justice Minister Michael Keenan, who is responsibl­e for disaster funding, will warn Ms Palaszczuk that the cash must go to rebuild communitie­s and not pay for election pork barrelling.

The State Government wanted cash for the Whitsunday Airport, the same undamaged airport Mr Keenan landed at to inspect the initial damage in the region. Cash was also wanted for damage caused to projects that had not started.

“The sheer arrogance of the Palaszczuk Government is highlighte­d by the fact that it sought funding for ‘ damaged infrastruc­ture’ that hasn’t even been constructe­d yet,” Mr Keenan said. “It is about time the Palaszczuk Government started acting like a Government, rather than a political party in campaign mode.”

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