Townsville Bulletin

Push to extend first home grant


EXTENDING the first homeowners grant to include existing properties had the potential to put significan­tly more people into their own home, according to Queensland’s peak real estate industry group.

But the State Government has rejected any change with its focus to remain on new constructi­on as it also helped create jobs in the building industry.

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland wants the first homeowners grant, which was boosted to $ 20,000 for new properties until December 1, to also be available to buyers of existing properties.

REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said it would help more young people get into home ownership sooner.

But Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said more than 8000 new homes, apartments and townhouses had been built because of the increased grant.

“It’s a great help to so many people and at the same time boosts investment in new housing stocks with flow- on benefits for local contractor­s, subbies and suppliers who rely on the building industry for their livelihood.”

Ms Mercorella said at the very least they wanted the grant to be able to be used for existing stock in regional towns.

“The anecdotal feedback that we get time and time again is that there is no point ( claiming the grant),’’ she said.

“It’s a bit of a pointless grant for many first- time buyers in regional Queensland because often the cost of constructi­on, even when you take into account the benefit you get from the grant, is usually significan­tly more than what you could pick up an establishe­d house for and we hear that story a lot.’’

But Treasurer Curtis Pitt said there was strong take- up of the grant in regional areas.

Since July last year 387 grants had been awarded in Cairns, 246 in the Fitzroy region, 311 in Toowoomba and 464 in the Wide Bay region.

Property analyst Terry Ryder said for first home buyers existing properties were much more affordable.

He said despite the grant, most first home buyers still bought establishe­d property.

“That is because they are significan­tly cheaper, often better located and the grant doesn’t go anywhere near making up the price difference.’’

Ms Mercorella said for some buyers there was also the issue of waiting for a new property to be built – which in the case of units could take years.

“You have go take into account that you need somewhere to live in the interim.

“That is one of the benefits of an establishe­d house, you know exactly what you are buying, you can negotiate a settlement date and you can just move right in, so there is those sort of hidden additional expenses and hassle that don’t often get talked about.’’

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Antonia Mercorella.
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