Townsville Bulletin

Two trials so similar for family


Nicholas Baxter ( right) leaves court during his trial. THE grandparen­ts of murdered toddler Mason Parker sat in the Townsville Supreme Court’s public gallery throughout the trial of baby killer Nicholas Baxter.

Sue and John Sandeman, who campaigned for Mason’s Law, which enforces mandatory reporting of injuries by childcare centres, were struck by the similariti­es in the cases.

Both Baxter and Mason’s killer Troy Reed were soldiers and violently killed young boys.

Mason was 16 months old when he was murdered in April 2011, while Matthew was six weeks when he died in November the same year.

Wife Tenae Baxter supported her husband throughout the trial.

Mason’s mother Cindy Sandeman accepted a marriage proposal from her now ex- partner Reed three days after the death.

“It was the same courtroom, same judge. And they both should never have happened,” Mr Sandeman told the Townsville Bulletin.

“That little baby’s up there with my grandson now, and my grandson will look after him.”

Mr Sandeman said while Matthew’s family attended the trial in support of his killer, he and Mrs Sandeman were there for the child.

“We came to the courtroom and everyone was looking after the defendant. I think the baby got lost along the line,” he said.

“To me, no one seemed to care about the poor little baby. Six weeks old, he had a life to live and it was cut short.”

Mr Sandeman said he hoped to use what he learned from the court case to continue campaignin­g for child victims of abuse.

“We’ve learnt so much ( from the trial),” he said.

“There’ll be a letter sent to every MP about what we’ve learnt, and we’ll keep hounding them until they come up with the right answers to help — not only to stop the murders of little kids, but to stop little kids being abused.”

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