Townsville Bulletin

Mangoes beserk … yep, folks, I admit it – that’s me


I HAVE been accused of being somewhat Mangoish! Its true, guilty as charged, I am a lover of all things Mangoised. In fact, the word itself should be always in capitals and spoken with the utmost respect and adulation.

After all there are only two seasons in North Queensland: Mangos, and No Mangos, forget about wet and dry seasons, it’s “Fret and Cry” season if there’s not enough Bowen Mangos.

I Man- go into Mangodepre­ssion if the season is crook! So maybe I should rent a few ... hang on ... OK, all the Harboursid­e Cold Store trucks to freeze them up. Not that I should tell you, I should keep it a secret, but the Mango Map is out.

Superb fruit being found at the Yabulu turn- off, and they even have Mango beds, oh bliss, then there’s the famous Mango Kings road, two stalls, also West End park, but watch for our young police, they do their speed camera practice there, and I’m bound to get caught Mangorushi­ng.

Mangoonoon­ba Road has a stall as always and Rowes Bay. But to me there is only one of these golden globes of glorious goodness, and that is the Bowen Mango.

I still reckon it was a Mango not an apple that got us blokes in strife in the first place, if you know what I mean.

You may not know it, but there’s a unique and fair dinkum dictionary on all this, MD we call it, Mang- Oxford Dictionary. Allow me to Mangollumi­nate you with some of my fave words ... Mangossip: Talking about Mangos Mangotham City: Home of Fruit Bat Man. Mangofundm­e: Getting money to buy Mangos. Mangoal: What the Cowboys kicked in 2015. Mangold: Found in Charters Towers, but was then used to buy Mango plantation­s. Mangoat, Mangoose and Mangorrila­s: Animals seen on National Mangograph­ic, and David Mangoborou­gh’s TV shows. Mangoliath: David walloped him with a Mango from his slingshot. Mangolf: Obviously can be a little messy teeing off, but naturally you hit the Mango with the wood. Mangollum: A character from the movie, The Lord Of The Mangos.

There are so many more, but one that has me a little concerned, is a Mango word for this weekend, because on Saturday, we vote in the new Mangovernm­ent. And you know what too many Mangos can do, eh.

It’s election day Saturday, but more so, it’s Sausage Day! A day to see mates you may not have seen since last election day or at the grocers, and to spend some money on a snag for charity. Happy Election Day, may everyone be kind, especially handing out how to vote cards, all mates, all wanting the best for each other.

Happy Mango Days!

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