Townsville Bulletin

Spray it on, but wisely

Division on water hours


IT’S spray time, with onerous water restrictio­ns eased today after years of painful drought.

The Townsville City Council has eased restrictio­ns from Level 3 to Level 2 despite policies allowing restrictio­ns to be lifted entirely, with the Ross Dam at 87 per cent.

Earlier this week, Mayor Jenny Hill said the council wanted to ensure sufficient supplies in Ross Dam until at least December next year when the Haughton pipeline duplicatio­n is due to be completed.

Also, the council had accepted feedback that many people wanted restrictio­ns retained, she said.

Feedback to the Bulletin about restrictio­ns has been mixed, with some people wanting to use sprinklers in the morning.

Level 2 means people can use sprinklers between 6- 8pm twice a week on an odds and evens property number system. Even- numbered houses can use sprinklers on Tuesdays and Saturdays and odds on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Handheld watering is allowed any time on any day, including for washing of cars and boats.

Benalla Nursery operator and industry representa­tive Doug Thomson said they would have preferred the restrictio­ns lifted so people could again focus on their gardens.

“With the Level 3 restrictio­ns we have seen a significan­t downturn in sales in landscapin­g and especially turf, as well as the closing of the one of the major retail nurseries, Day Dawn,” he said.

Mr Thomson said the decision to retain restrictio­ns appeared to be an acknowledg­ment of “serious concerns” about the city’s water infrastruc­ture.

Prominent Townsville developer Peter Tapiolas said “we live in the dry tropics” and people and businesses needed to learn to conserve water.

“I think learning to cope with Level 2 is a great thing,” Mr Tapiolas said. “As long as ( the council) is prepared to meet individual requiremen­ts, that’s a good thing.

“Gone are the days when water is free. There’s a cost in it. We have to conserve and use it wisely, otherwise we will be back in the same position.”

Water for Townsville Action Group founder Linda Ashton said it was wonderful to have more flexible times for watering but that people would know welcome rain is not water security.

“WFTAG will continue to lobby the Federal Government to match the state’s grant of $ 225 million for the two stages of the new pipeline to be installed without delay,” Ms Ashton said. “Meanwhile, remember ... using this precious resource for hosing driveways or in the heat of the day is not waterwise.”

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